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Game 3 - Lions @ Vikings Thread

[color=#551A8B said:
Rich what? Richmond![/color]]I think our problem is our offense, not defense.

what? have you seen them move the ball on us on every drive?
poor game for spievey so far if im allowed to say that without all of you jumping on me
Our O-Line isnt doing its job...plain and simple. Stafford has no time to find an open receiver.

The entire team looks pretty bad so far..but the Vikings have blown 1st half leads in all of their games so far this year so hopefully the Lions can make some adjustments and get their offense rolling in the second half.
This will be Schwartz message to the team in the locker room.

If we can't stop them and score it's gonna be a long second half. Fuck.
Our offense needs to get the defense off the field, score some points and get some life into the team.