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Game 3 - Lions @ Vikings Thread

We're lucky Stafford is even still playing at this point.
LOLOLOLLOLOLOLLOLLOL can't wait to see the experts back up the hype train at halftime. terrible performance so far.
jesus fucking christ. terrible team effort. this team was not ready to play.
[color=#FF6103 said:
Monster [/color]]LOLOLOLLOLOLOLLOLLOL can't wait to see the experts back up the hype train at halftime. terrible performance so far.

This is exactly why I've hated the hype.

Two dominant victories against mediocre at best teams proves nothing.
The Sammie Lee Hil Roughing the passer and that no call block in the back = 10pts..... Thanks Lions, I finally get a Sunday off and I get to watch this.
Teams have come back from bigger defecits but we look like pure trash today. Not a single player has shown up but our OL has been absolutely pathetic and are as always are the main thing holding us back
Playing like ass, but its not over yet, halftime adjustments badly needed.
Romneybot said:
[color=#FF6103 said:
Monster [/color]]LOLOLOLLOLOLOLLOLLOL can't wait to see the experts back up the hype train at halftime. terrible performance so far.

This is exactly why I've hated the hype.

Two dominant victories against mediocre at best teams proves nothing.

1. This game is far from over.

2. A lot of the hype is because we have been horrible for a long time.

3. The thing holding us back, imo, is the running game. When we are able to consistently run the ball then we will be unstoppable.
Its all about the OLine. They're getting beat bad. And ST isn't helping much.
Nice to see it only took 2 games for the lions to read their own press clippings anointing them...