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Game 4: Lions @ Vikings Thread

It's asking a lot of our defense if they have to come up with 2-3 turnovers every week in order for us to have a chance to win a game...although I wasn't expecting us to score more than 17 points today.
Decker would have made a world of difference in this game. We literally have Golden Tate chipping on DEs instead of running routes. Hopefully Decker is ready for the next go around.
Great job D. Your turn to put this game away offense. Just take care of the football.
Wow. If we don't win this?!?! Minnesota is doing everything they can to lose this game. We are doing nothing to win it. It's a game of who wants it least!
Now, put them the fuck away. Play up to your contract Stafford. Right now, cuz that's what great qbs do
The O can't do shit if the Vikings are in the backfield every play.