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Game 4: Lions @ Vikings Thread

good blitz pick up...staff needs to get his head out of his ass and beat a blitz today.
Pass more tp set up the run damn it .

1st down run lose 2
2nd down run. Gain 2.
3rd and 10. Sack.

Jim bob stinks
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The Vikings have done everything to give this game away and the Lions just aren't interested
We're not going to put anyone away if we hand the ball off on the first 2 downs. But can't say I blame them today with what is happening every time we drop back to pass. Too predictable of an offense right now.
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good blitz pick up...staff needs to get his head out of his ass and beat a blitz today.

He didn't have anybody open. He throws the ball he's taking a chance of getting it picked. We might as well have run Riddick on one of his famous arrow routes. It's a better option then just letting Stanford get killed every Play
Caldwell is just another coach who coaches not to loss, most coaches are like this, I'm still waiting for one in Detroit who gets it