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Gibbons kicked off team

It's only semantics to a person who has no idea what a gangsta walk actually is.

you're taking this off topic, some would say that you should PM me about this but then you wouldn't get the reaction from others, which is what i'm sure you're after.
you're taking this off topic, some would say that you should PM me about this but then you wouldn't get the reaction from others, which is what i'm sure you're after.

I don't want to PM you. I don't PM anyone on here. I'm simply pointing out how stupid, petty, and pathetic you are being about Stauskas. You are petty and pathetic about everything pertaining to Michigan. You've been whining and complaining like a 13 year old for five straight days now.
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Douglas2K has yet to update his Washtenaw Watchdogs website about this, but this is funny... link.
This started with an article that they posted regarding the investigation by Ann Arbor Police of an alleged assault by UM football player, Taylor Lewan, on some Ohio State football fans after the UM/OSU football game [1]. The Ann Arbor News article had very little information in it and made it sound like Taylor Lewan was just in the area of the fight rather than him actually being the assailant. One of the commenters on the article posted a link to the original story [2]. The censors at the AA News removed the link and posted the following comment.
sbee you should meet this guy for coffee. I'm sure you two would get along famously based on your shared hatred of the University of Michigan. it could be the start of a fruitful partnership.
I don't want to PM you. I don't PM anyone on here. I'm simply pointing out how stupid, petty, and pathetic you are being about Stauskas. You are petty and pathetic about everything pertaining to Michigan. You've been whining and complaining like a 13 year old for five straight days now.

of course you want the crowd reaction, I get it.

my point about Stauskas is that Izzo wouldn't put up with the strutting or as i called it, a gangsta walk, swaying your shoulders and the emphatic and-1 signals (as described by the M writer). Hell, I never said that there was anything wrong with it, I said I didn't like it but i didn't say that it was wrong. I just said that wouldn't fly with Izzo.

but keep seeing what you want to see
Douglas2K has yet to update his Washtenaw Watchdogs website about this, but this is funny... link.
This started with an article that they posted regarding the investigation by Ann Arbor Police of an alleged assault by UM football player, Taylor Lewan, on some Ohio State football fans after the UM/OSU football game [1]. The Ann Arbor News article had very little information in it and made it sound like Taylor Lewan was just in the area of the fight rather than him actually being the assailant. One of the commenters on the article posted a link to the original story [2]. The censors at the AA News removed the link and posted the following comment.
sbee you should meet this guy for coffee. I'm sure you two would get along famously based on your shared hatred of the University of Michigan. it could be the start of a fruitful partnership.

I actually have a lot of respect for Michigan, I don't think Hoke is a good coach but he's a good guy, I like Belein, he's the kind of coach I'd like my sons to play for. Do I like Michigan sports? no, it's a rivalry, am I expected to?
to be clear, I wasn't talking to you. your explanation was spot on.

some people chime in and say "whatever, he was kicked off the team for months."

like that's justice? 4 years after the fact? that's why I said this was bad.

People were saying that? That's what you get from this?
of course you want the crowd reaction, I get it.

my point about Stauskas is that Izzo wouldn't put up with the strutting or as i called it, a gangsta walk, swaying your shoulders and the emphatic and-1 signals (as described by the M writer). Hell, I never said that there was anything wrong with it, I said I didn't like it but i didn't say that it was wrong. I just said that wouldn't fly with Izzo.

but keep seeing what you want to see

I don't care about the crowd reaction. I am not going to PM you because I don't want to speak with you on that level. I don't like you, you are a troll, and I don't care about ever having a private conversation with you.

It does fly with Izzo. Players on MSU have done it in the past with no consequence. Jason Richardson, Draymond Green, Payne, etc.
I don't care about the crowd reaction. I am not going to PM you because I don't want to speak with you on that level. I don't like you, you are a troll, and I don't care about ever having a private conversation with you.

It does fly with Izzo. Players on MSU have done it in the past with no consequence. Jason Richardson, Draymond Green, Payne, etc.

I never wanted you to, I said that some would say that you should, which was mentioned by a UM fan earlier in the thread.

If I say the sky is blue, I'm sure you'll argue against it. If you really think Izzo would be fine with 3 goggles and strutting with the emphatic and 1, you don't know much about him or MSU basketball.
I never wanted you to, I said that some would say that you should, which was mentioned by a UM fan earlier in the thread.

If I say the sky is blue, I'm sure you'll argue against it. If you really think Izzo would be fine with 3 goggles and strutting with the emphatic and 1, you don't know much about him or MSU basketball.

He might not be fine with it or like it, but I've seen him put up with it in the past.
I don't have exact numbers but you felt it necessary to bear your feelings in a thread about the label you've been given. I think doing that is an indicator is that it might be more than one or two.

Nope, don't care that you think I'm a prick. A lot if us feel the same about you...a lot!

Just pointing out that you were wrong...again!
It might have been because my head was gonna explode, but didn't Byrd flash the number 1 hand signal over his head as he was high stepping down the floor after hitting his 3? As long as its not in the face of an opponent or at the crowd who cares.
of course you want the crowd reaction, I get it.

my point about Stauskas is that Izzo wouldn't put up with the strutting or as i called it, a gangsta walk, swaying your shoulders and the emphatic and-1 signals (as described by the M writer). Hell, I never said that there was anything wrong with it, I said I didn't like it but i didn't say that it was wrong. I just said that wouldn't fly with Izzo.

but keep seeing what you want to see

And we already posted various examples of when Izzo did put up with it
I guess the sky is red, I give up.

Was Tom Izzo not the coach during this:

Or this:

Or this:

Maybe this:




There are many more examples, but you can shut the fuck up now.
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I don't have exact numbers but you felt it necessary to bear your feelings in a thread about the label you've been given. I think doing that is an indicator is that it might be more than one or two.

I doubt any UM posters really think hungry is a prick. I'm positive that many think that of you though, and it has nothing to do with the rivalry, regardless of what I'm sure you'll think.
Was Tom Izzo not the coach during this:

Or this:

Or this:

Maybe this:




There are many more examples, but you can shut the fuck up now.

there's a gigantic difference between yelling and strutting and doing the 3 goggles. I don't expect you to think so but thanks for all of those pics.
I doubt any UM posters really think hungry is a prick. I'm positive that many think that of you though, and it has nothing to do with the rivalry, regardless of what I'm sure you'll think.

I'm sure quite a few do, it doesn't keep me up at night. I'm not going to create a thread to appeal to everyone to change their perception of me though.