So what if that’s the case?-which it really isn’t.
There’s nothing in the law that forbids it.
Also I would suggest that it’s bat shit crazy that’s being censored by privately owned companies which is absolutely and utterly their right to do so.
Let’s say I have an independent ad agency. I sell ad space for a number of publications to a number of companies who want to advertise.
Let’s say one of my publications is a Judeo Christian religious oriented publication.
Let’s say one of my advertisers is a full on nude titty pole dancer bar.
So let’s say the titty bar owner wants to run an ad in the religious publication. Am I going to do that? Fuck no. Is that censorship? Fuck yes it is. Am I within my right to do that? Fuck yes I am. Am I going to take his money to run ads and publications that are more appropriate? Fuck yes I am.
I’ve stated before I don’t think you really understand what’s in the constitution and what isn’t.
The First Amendment.
Private companies are absolutely entitled to censor what they want.
Let’s say the father of a teenage daughter hears a knock on the door, and a classmate of hers- a dude-is there and says “I want to show a photograph of my penis to your daughter.”
The father says “fuck off,” in the little fucking teenage asshole says “hey-you are censoring me-that’s a violation of my first amendment rights.”
Does the father legally have to say, “yeah my bad, come on in.”
Private individual corporations or individuals are perfectly entitled to censor whatever shit they want to.