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I like Brady Hoke, but HORRIBLE coaching

Stop with the Denard and Henne bullshit. Henne had Braylon, one of the best WRs in the country. Our best WR is a fucking backup QB.
We outplayed them and should have won. I did like what I saw from our defense last night. They stuffed the run the best I have seen them do this year. I think we only gave up 94 yds rushing and less than 250 total and with all the picks we put of defense in bad position after bad position without much rest.
borges deserves a lot of the blame. I feel bad blaming denard for sucking at being a pocket passer when hes not a pocket passer. Im kinda over hatin on denard all together...to steal a quote from chris rock....its kinda like playing basketball with a retarded kid and constantly calling double dribble. Sometimes you just need to let it go...

i also blame us...the fans. This is michigan and expectations are always high. We keep clamoring over and over again about each incoming draft class. Yet we have a kick returner for a qb. a qb for a wr. We dont have a rb worth a shit. and our defensive star is a white walk on db. this is michigan! a kick returner, a qb for wr, crap at rb and nothing on D! Seriously!? I debate almost yearly how we cant recruit nationally anymore and people swear up and down how good we are at it. Show me some proof? Show me some talent from that game we just watched. It was awful.

I agree with everything you have said
... Where are all the great recruits Brady has... To not heap some of the blame on the coaching staff is flat out wrong.. They used and use Denard all wrong.. Borges runs when he should throw and seems to try pass when we should be running. I happened all night last night.. I was so pissed at the play calling.. Runing wide on or near the goal line is stupid and stupid in general verses a team with ND's team defense speed. Have a midget throw a half back pass is stupid.. Do we ever try and spread the field and try fast trap of quick hitting running plays.. The second and goal late in the game should have be a running play straight ahead with DR behind a fullback or tight end in motion blocking but instead DR holds the ball way to long and does not get rid of it and takes a sack.. First and goal after we get our first INT they try a stupid sweep play and it starts the night of terrible RED zone offense for DR and Michigan.. Al's play calling was average at best last year.. it has to get better..
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This. I know it is a team effort, but Denard's turnovers were killer tonight.

What I will never understand is why he never throws the ball away. There is nothing wrong with it. I personnally think this is why he has so many interceptions. Rather than just throwing the ball away, he tries to make a crazy play and then comes the interception.

I think it must be that he doesn't see the defenders or overestimates his ability to get the ball through to the receiver. There is really no excuse for that at this point. He is a senior QB, not a freshman. Who is the QB coach? Does Michigan have a QB coach? It may be too late, but I think Denard needs intensive one on one with someone that will correct his mechanics, see the field, and get him to understand that throwing the ball out of bounds is sometimes the best option! On pass plays, if he doesn't see anyone open and he decides not to tuck and run, then the next decision should be to toss it out, not try to force the throw. That should be the message to him this week.
I think it must be that he doesn't see the defenders or overestimates his ability to get the ball through to the receiver. There is really no excuse for that at this point. He is a senior QB, not a freshman. Who is the QB coach? Does Michigan have a QB coach? It may be too late, but I think Denard needs intensive one on one with someone that will correct his mechanics, see the field, and get him to understand that throwing the ball out of bounds is sometimes the best option! On pass plays, if he doesn't see anyone open and he decides not to tuck and run, then the next decision should be to toss it out, not try to force the throw. That should be the message to him this week.

If Denard wants to make it to the next level he should consider a position change as soon as possible... Unfortunately, that position is super thin right now...
I have often wondered if Denard is playing QB because they have more faith in him than the other guys. I still think we are a team in transition. As far as Hoke's recruits they are playing but you very seldom see freshman make an impact in football. It takes time for them to adjust. Sadly this team is gonna take time to be where they need to be. We will be fine just give it time. Most of us said 8 to 9 wins and thats what this team is showing. Last night was frustrating very frustrating. But we must be patient.
If Denard wants to make it to the next level he should consider a position change as soon as possible... Unfortunately, that position is super thin right now...

I can't see him being drafted as a QB in the NFL. Not with his performance and mechanics at this point in his college career. My question is this due to his inability at the position or neglect? If it is neglect, then that can be addressed and corrected, though results may be limited given the time that is left. Inability (lack of talent) at a position is not correctable. I think you are right that a position change would have made sense back when he came to Michigan. I think it is too late for that now. He is Michigan's QB for the rest of this season.
Denard will be drafted though 3-4th rd. He has to much speed and talent someone will take him and use him in package situations and try and change his position to get him on the field.
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Denard will be drafted though 3-4th rd. He has to much speed and talent someone will take him and use him in package situations and try and change his position to get him on the field.

i dont think he gets drafted. speed is his only advantage and everyone is fast in the nfl. Without showing if he has any skill as a wr i just dont see why a team would draft him.
Honestly, everyone really needs to pump the brakes. It's incredible that Michigan was able to go 11-2 last year under a completely new coaching regime, but I think that created a mirage that this program is further along than it actually is. They still have a ways to go before they return to what they used to be. The whole system is still being overhauled. Yeah, yesterday was appalling, but people really need to give Hoke a few more years before the final product is on the field.
Honestly, everyone really needs to pump the brakes. It's incredible that Michigan was able to go 11-2 last year under a completely new coaching regime, but I think that created a mirage that this program is further along than it actually is. They still have a ways to go before they return to what they used to be. The whole system is still being overhauled. Yeah, yesterday was appalling, but people really need to give Hoke a few more years before the final product is on the field.

agree and a. umber of us said thus year would be tough with probably 4 losses

i am not surprised we lost but by how we lost !

denard is not the qb hoke would have and despite his mistakes he has made some of our games fun, good young man, and represents us well

it was a bad performance but not end of world
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brandstater also comments on his not throwing the ball away

he needs to trust that it isokay

also agree with wheels a page or so back

folks this isnt like 4-5 years ago
look at the freshmen we have - those are hokes receuits - funchess, norfleet, etc
It seemed to me(I have to watch the game again) that as soon as we went I-Formation, Toussaint was going forward and he was getting yards behind the fullback. I was quite excited to see this in the second half and wondered why it was scrapped as soon as we got near the goalline.
no question there were a couple bad calls in this game... the Vincent Smith pass - AFTER we had no problem moving down the field w/out gimmicks - was awful.

late in the game, a couple of the run calls in the red zone left me wondering why we did that given the time left and the urgency to score.

but by and large, I thought we moved the ball well, interceptions aside. Denard just made some bad decisions, and fumbled the ball away at a critical time. I don't put that on the coaches... I think sticking with Denard gives us the best chance to win right now, and I'm pretty sure they coached him to throw it away under pressure. Can't put that on the coaching.

In fact, I give Hoke credit for sticking with Denard like he did. We were still in it to win it until 3:00 or so...
another thing I'm glad Hoke realizes... winning these games doesn't mean shit if you go sub-0.500 in the Big Ten because you burn your QB out, bench him, scream at him, destroy his nerves, etc. just to get a win over some non-conference opponent.

even if Bellomy came in and played will, the issues that would create, both with a QB controversy, team chemistry etc., are all things the coach needs to consider.

it's the way Hoke has handled the team and the players in losses that impresses me. he understands that the season is a campaign, not a desperate last stand every week, and that his actions during the game are going to have consequences that go beyond next saturday.

I'm pretty sure they coached him to throw it away under pressure. Can't put that on the coaching.

He IS taught to throw it away. But I have been saying all along that Denard does not have football intelligence. I mean, the first word that comes out of my mouth is "stupid". He is so reactionary that he doesn't think of the consequences. He has this internal alert system that goes off for no apparent reason sometimes(even under NO pressure) and he throws the ball to the nearest football player on the field. I don't get it. He hasn't learned a thing in 4 years.
He IS taught to throw it away. But I have been saying all along that Denard does not have football intelligence. I mean, the first word that comes out of my mouth is "stupid". He is so reactionary that he doesn't think of the consequences. He has this internal alert system that goes off for no apparent reason sometimes(even under NO pressure) and he throws the ball to the nearest football player on the field. I don't get it. He hasn't learned a thing in 4 years.

Can't disagree much with that. Navarre never learned to go through progressions. Henne never learned to scramble behind the line with eyes downfield or to throw the touch pass over the first level of defenders and drop it in. Denard hasn't learned how to read the middle of the field. His throws should be outside the numbers, except for the occasional play action rollout or that play they used to run with RR where Denard fakes the run and hits the slot down the seam (first play against Illinois in 2010 to Roundtree). Other than that, there just is not a good chance of success.