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Leyland retires....Voted into Baseball HOF... Tigers will retire uniform # 10

I liked his emotion after winning the division's and the ALCS's.. When he cried I my eyes watered up when he talked about the fans. He help turn out organization around.. Got to thank him for that for sure.. Like some have said I hope they go outside the organization but I fear they will not.. I prefer Lloyd over Gene Lamont. Probably Brookens over both. But again I hope they go outside the organizations..
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Very interesting comments and phrasing from Leyland in the press conference. Says he told DD a while ago, that he'll be taking another TBD position with the Tigers, that he prides himself on not pointing the finger at individual players (*cough* Fielder *cough*), he kisses Mr. I's and DD's asses a bit, thanks the front office people who support him, gets pretty emotional, and seems a bit down overall.
Leyland is pure class. The team has come so far under his watch. People barely even remember the nightmare seasons of the early 2000s anymore.
Kirk Gibson?

I wish

Scary times ahead for our tigers. Scherzer potentially gone, Leyland gone, and I read an article about dombrowski possibly being a replacement for selig.
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Complete speculation on my part, but I wonder if Leyland is having some personal/health issues. He keeps talking about running on fumes, the road trips getting tough, and saying he's got a few years left to win a championship here and wanting to throw out the first pitch someday soon.
DD saying MLB managerial experience is important to him, then backing off of that slightly by saying "any level", and talking about not being closed minded to inexperienced guys. That guy is a master at saying a lot without saying anything. LOL!
That was hilarious. He just gets done talking about keeping things classy, then talks about letting a silent fluffy in church. Hahahaha!
his appreciation of the fans has always been great, he understood the economics of the Detroit area and how appreciative he was that people would fill the house every night. I hope the new skipper has the same mentality
This press conference reinforces how great of a guy Leyland is. He's humble, appreciative, down to Earth, funny, self-deprecating, and just a class act. I'm gonna miss this grouchy old bastard.
Thank you skipper. Tom Brookens?

That seemed to be the rumor in the past. I'd love to see Gibby if that can be worked out. That could be very interesting in this clubhouse. I don't see Gibby taking too kindly to Miggy running stop signs or some of Fielder's quotes concerning his lack of production in the postseason.
Thanks for the great 8 years, Jim.

While they didn't win the big one, it was nice to see the team a contender every year.

One thing is for sure, whoever is hired as the new manager, fans will complain about him.
I don't want Gibby, or any of our current coaches. And no retreads. I'm afraid I'm going to hate our new Manager.