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Lions at Raiders Week 15 Thread

OT - Why are they making Napolean Dynamite into a cartoon 8 years after the movie???
adam86107 said:
I hate these announcers

I've noticed that the only time people hate announcers is when we're losing. If this was 14-0 detroit, i wouldn't hear a word about it.
Romneybot said:
76 yard drive
Oakland got 41
Detroit gave them 35

My bad, that last personal foul was only 12 yards

Oakland 44
Detroit 32
lol a flag....who's it against? WHAT? NOT ON US? WOW!
[color=#FF6103 said:
Monster [/color]]
adam86107 said:
I hate these announcers

I've noticed that the only time people hate announcers is when we're losing. If this was 14-0 detroit, i wouldn't hear a word about it.

Brian Billick always annoys the hell out of me
I'm seeing a penalty every play by Oakland... well, maybe 3/5 plays.

But still... guess its karma from last week?
The Detroit Yellow Flags better not be planning on falling behind big in the first half on the road, then mounting a three/four score Megatron-led comeback in the second half, that shit doesn't cut it anymore,like the announcer just said, just one TD for CJ in the past 5 games..