by any measure, single payer should improve things, the only question is by how much.
"Obamacare" costs going up has more to do with the fact that the health insurance industry underwent further significant concentration after it passed; there are like 4-5 big insurers nationwide now, and some of them have virtual monopolies in some markets.
our government doesn't really enforce anti-trust laws anymore.
I read an article that showed the administrative costs of administering healthcare in other 1st world countries are signficantly lower than the US as a percentage of total cost. it's like in the US 20-30% of the healthcare cost goes to pay administrative costs, insurer's employees' salaries and what not. in other countries, it was like 5-10%. so there will be significant savings for everyone, by cutting into that premium we're currently paying to UnitedHealth Care, etc. for the privilege of "health insurance" with as high deductibles and out-of-pocket costs as they decide we should have to pay.
that's the real source of opposition to this; the idea that actual care will get worse is a baseless scare tactic. it can't really get worse than it is, and for many it will get a lot better.
and, of course, sparta mack is really worried about what will happen to healthcare for his heroes, the billionaires. they have great insurance now. will it get worse for them? the answer is no: they will still be able to pay insane amounts of money for private care, that no one else can afford. if they don't want to though, they can go on Uncle Sam's new single payer and save some cash like the rest of us.