Tigers organization sure helps out their former "employees", unlike many of those that I have worked for over the past 35+ years. Not a single one offered any type of assistance after layoffs, with post-employment retraining, job searches, ect...and they weren't exactly small businesses, either. Most were national or global in size.
Seemed like every single one was continually obsessed with figuring out how to get rid of employees' jobs through automation, job consolidation and technological improvements, or outsourcing/off-shoring. About halfway through my working life, I realized that the working world was not and never again would be the same as what my father experienced, ("career" employment) and there no longer was any reason to give employers anything more than what I deemed was absolutely necessary, despite their expectations of brown-nosing loyalty and giving them what they considered to be a fair days' work for an ever less and less fair days pay.
That is why tax-cuts and the Reagan-era trickle-down, supply-side economic theory will never and has not worked. Most of the former blue-collar manufacturing, industrial, and maintenance/repair jobs have now long ago been eliminated or off-shored, and later the white collar technical, legal, and medical jobs that require skills and/or a higher education are still being and/or have been outsourced. The now global corporate capitalists want the ever-shrinking "golden-geese" that are middle-class consumers to continue to buy, subscribe and/or lease their products and services, but they sure as hell don't want to have to..gasp!! ****ing employ us too. Let some "other" company do it, while they try to avoid paying any types of federal/state/local taxes and insurance.
We also are spending countless billions on stabilizing and "policing" the Middle East, killing, maiming, and wounding US soldiers, so that nations like India and China have an uninterrupted supply of energy and crude oil and its derivatives to fuel their economies built upon the jobs that formerly were in the US. Not a single Chinese soldier has sustained even a hangnail in defending their overseas oil-supply routes from Iran.
This country is a ****ing joke, slowly sinking like the Titanic into an ocean of virtual red debt in the soon to be tens of trillions, before the middle of the century. Luckily, I will be long dead by then, and will leave behind no progeny whatsoever.