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Mike Trout

Back in the day they did look at the teams placement in the standings. Though Tram got screwed in '87. But now-a-days you could be dead last and win it.

And that might be the real difference Trout going to try to get his body healed and ready for the next season, in order to keep his career going as good as it can get.

As far as Albert's age that was an issue when he was with the Cards. And a many around here were not to up set when he signed with the Angels. Remember he had that 10 year contract early in his career and did have success, that he was able to get a very great new contract. Much like A-Rod did. And we all remember how that played out in "Yankland". THESE extended contracts pretty well work out in favor to the player.
And A-Rod at one time had a very good body good enough to get two great contracts. Age works on a body, and sooner or later is catches up to everyone and anyone.

And one other thing to this injury thing. It only takes one to influence a career. Mickey Mantle had one in his rookie season that might have change just how good/great he could have been, as he played with a many of injuries.

Quite a bit of all of this is what will tomorrow bring? Real answer you got to get up and see. And of course look around, and you might look back and up, like to the top of this post. {"Trout going to try to get his body healed and ready for the next season, in order to keep his career going as good as it can get."}
In 2019 Mike Trout became the 8th player in #MLB history to reach 2,500 Total Bases before the end of his age 27 season.
Others - Foxx, Ott, Mantle, Aaron, Griffey Jr., Rodriguez, and Pujols.

Cobb 2,416
Kaline 2,419
Musial 2,006 1 year military.
Mays 2,068 1 year military.
Williams 1,693 3 years military.
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Just saying;

Mike Trout has 852 total bases over the last three seasons.
Nick Castellanos has 934 total bases over the last three seasons.

Trout, since 2012, has never had a wOBA under .400, with a career high of .447. Nick's career high is .363.

BB/K 2019 Trout .92, Nick, .29 (Lg Avg is .47)

wRC+ career: Trout 172, Nick, 112

WAR Career: Trout 72, Nick 10.4

Salary: Trout 37M, Nick 20M