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More Harbaugh to NFL conjecture

I love how things like this that are just complete speculation and people having a hot take show turn into news stories.
I'll vomit if he goes to the Colts. I don't think he is going anywhere and I have no idea why he would want to work with the jackass pillhead here in Indy.
JH is a good fit because the Colts' QB went to the school where he also coached? No. What an idiotic opinion.
Rumor started with that jackass Jason whitlock. . CC picking it up from there and running with it. Not sure what is a good way for Jim to handle it? Does he come out and flatly rufute it or do they just go about their business and use back chanels with potential recurits.
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Anyone who remotely believes that he will leave soon needs to listen to his podcast. Being the Michigan HC is more than football and money. This is a family thing.
Jim is going nowhere. His family loves the school and state and family means everything to him. I can't see him leaving and uprooting his family for the same amount of money to go somewhere where his job security is year to year. Remember, the NFL can be very unforgiving. Jim could get paid 10 mil a year in AA and stay until he decides to retire. As great as he made the 49ers, the ownership got sick of him. That aint happening at Michigan. He has job security and sports immortality if he does half the things we think he will do. Why would anyone turn that down?
The rumors are true.

This guy just confirmed:


Follow him... on twitter. along with Colin Cowherd, who is not a person that will say anything to stir shit and generate clicks and likes, and is completely worthless to humanity.
Jim is going nowhere. His family loves the school and state and family means everything to him. I can't see him leaving and uprooting his family for the same amount of money to go somewhere where his job security is year to year. Remember, the NFL can be very unforgiving. Jim could get paid 10 mil a year in AA and stay until he decides to retire. As great as he made the 49ers, the ownership got sick of him. That aint happening at Michigan. He has job security and sports immortality if he does half the things we think he will do. Why would anyone turn that down?

Wellll ... Jason Whittless thinks that Jim only wants to deal with the Xs and Os and not the complexities of running a major college while at the same time declaring that he'll only go to an NFL team that offers him complete control over all football operations.
Don't these people realize that Harbaugh ostensibly grew up in Ann Arbor?

Coaching Michigan is way more to him than just a job.
This rumor has been like a hemorrhoid that won't go away ...just because Luck played at Stanford.

I liken it to the theories around Denard after RR got canned -- that because of his "system," Shoelace was going to drop everything and transfer to wherever he'd coach next.