I'm not sidestepping anything, but keep trying to once again make me the bad guy.
YOU keep saying we should not send troops to the Middle East. THAT is defending ISIS. Plain and simple, you are advocating that they continue doing what they do because you don't think the US should get involved.
You also never criticize them for their actions, you just blow it off and ignore and hope it will go away, which it NEVER will. You blame Israel and the US for their behavior. THAT IS HOW YOU DEFEND ISIS, BY PLACING THE BLAME FOR THEIR BEHAVIOR ON OTHERS!!!! Do I really have to go through the entirety of all your countless posts to demonstrate how many times you have blamed the US and Israel? Or are you now going to deny that you blame the US and Israel for ISIS existing, that the US and Israel are the REAL problem and the solution is for the US and Israel to no longer exist in the Middle East, that by pulling out and let the Muslims sort it out themselves that all will be fine in your little world.
I'm not side stepping a damn thing. You support ISIS and other extremist Muslims every time you place the blame for their behavior on the US and Israel, because according to you and your ilk, they are the ones actually committing the atrocities and should be banished.
Funniest part is, you don't even understand how the things you say are defending ISIS, because you are incapable of grasping what will happen next if the US and Israel actually did remove all of their people from the areas. And no, as I have said countless times, I do not hold them blameless, but I certainly do not push the agenda that you do simply because they have faults, make mistakes, and have bad people too. Just like I do not blame the Moderate Muslims for the actions of Extremist Muslim terrorists. Heck, I don't really have an issue with some extremist Muslims provided they are not killing, torturing, denying basic human rights, teaching others to kill, torture, etc. and other actions that make them cross into the realm of criminal behavior at best...but the extremist Muslims not doing those things are very few and far between unfortunately while the majority are exactly those types of people. Of course, according to you, they only behave that way because of what the US and Israel have done to them.