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Yeah, but do you want to send troops to their houses?

I don't, they have the right to voice their opinion regardless of how much I disagree with many of their views, I do find validity in many of their other viewpoints...and not just re: sports teams, but actually many of their political stances I actually support and back them up, so they are actually good to have around. Once in awhile they are also able to show me the errors in my thinking, provided I'm open minded enough to listen and comprehend.

Just because we have spirited debates on this and some other topics, doesn't mean I have zero respect for them, even when dropping to name calling and cursing at me. lol

Heck, I even referenced champ on a recent Lions thread about Champ Bailey in a humorous way that I'm sure he appreciated (if he read it), especially inkfreq's reply. not that champ wouldn't actually be better at coaching up the Lions CBs though...
Let's do a head count here...we armed a group that included bin Laden when the Soviets invaded Afghanistan...

We armed Saddam Hussein against Iran...

We were supporting the rebels who became ISIS against Assad one short year ago...

We armed the new Iraqi army, and ISIS confiscated a lot of those arms...

And so ISIS is the bad guy de jour...

I DO have a suggestion....journalists...unless you are heavily protected by armed defenders...

Again...it was a year ago that Obama was calling for Assad to step down, in the face of the rebels who came to be ISIS...

And McCain was referring to these rebels as "the good guys..."

The side "we should be on" seems to be a continual moving target...

did he say that about ISIS specifically? I don't recall McCain or anyone else's specific comments but but I do recall politicians and pundits saying that distinguishing between rebel groups and choosing the least bad (non-radical fundamentalists) group(s) to back was one of the bigger challenges.
Let's do a head count here...we armed a group that included bin Laden when the Soviets invaded Afghanistan...

We armed Saddam Hussein against Iran...

We were supporting the rebels who became ISIS against Assad one short year ago...

We armed the new Iraqi army, and ISIS confiscated a lot of those arms...

And so ISIS is the bad guy de jour...

I DO have a suggestion....journalists...unless you are heavily protected by armed defenders...


Oh. I thought you were going to say we should arm journalists.
did he say that about ISIS specifically? I don't recall McCain or anyone else's specific comments but but I do recall politicians and pundits saying that distinguishing between rebel groups and choosing the least bad (non-radical fundamentalists) group(s) to back was one of the bigger challenges.

That's how I remember it too. I don't remember what McCain said specifically, but I do remember the problem of figuring out who to back and some statements about some opposition groups being similar to, or affiliated with Al Qaeda.
Let's do a head count here...we armed a group that included bin Laden when the Soviets invaded Afghanistan...

We armed Saddam Hussein against Iran...

We were supporting the rebels who became ISIS against Assad one short year ago...

We armed the new Iraqi army, and ISIS confiscated a lot of those arms...

And so ISIS is the bad guy de jour...

I DO have a suggestion....journalists...unless you are heavily protected by armed defenders...

Sounds like a military (& industrial complex) run amok, outside of any real civilian control. Yay shining beacon of democracy...
Again...it was a year ago that Obama was calling for Assad to step down, in the face of the rebels who came to be ISIS...

And McCain was referring to these rebels as "the good guys..."

The side "we should be on" seems to be a continual moving target...

No disagreement here either, and obviously Afghanistan vs Russia...well, we all know how that turned out.

ISIS is currently the #1 threat there, so we have to focus on them for now, and if we are lucky we can use this opportunity to gain some allies from the other extremist groups, but that is obviously not very likely.

Obama is in a very difficult position with all of this. At least it seems they were able to kill a couple of the senior leaders of ISIS yesterday including al-Baghadi.

If that is true, then that is a good start toward the defeat of ISIS/L; however, the Pentagon is saying they only killed one of al-Baghadi's aides: http://www.thedailybeast.com/articl...s-chief-as-airstrikes-hit-top-extremists.html

If al-Baghadi is trying to hide in Syria, I am pretty sure if he is located Obama will contact Syria who will approve a US airstrike or even SEAL team to go take him out. I would like to think champ and Thumb would support such an operation too, while I fully recognize that taking him out would likely only create a vacuum to be filled by the next extremist. Still, it seems more Muslim groups are opposing ISIS, which is nice to see:

The Muslim world needs a very large number / high percentage of imams to support this in a resounding voice that is actually able to drown out ISIS' propaganda.

ISIS is currently the #1 threat there...

how many "#1 threat"s will we have to fight before you realize maybe our policies there are the real problem?

it's like the Detroit Lions through the Matt Millen years... how many coaching changes and terrible draft picks have to go by before you realize there's a common thread between them?

It's no surprise to me that j-dumbass-dilco, "psychopath" zyxt, and spartanhack line up on the same side here. you clowns couldn't reason your way out of a paper bag.
psychopath? ok, i'll accept that. it's better than what my shrink calls me.

(Tinsel, did you take over my profile?)

See champ, the thing is even Obama and the Liberal Dems who have demanded the US pull out of Iraq are in support of going after ISIS. Even other extremist Muslim groups are in favor of ISIS being eliminated but have not been able to do the job themselves, so the US is needing to step in and even the Libs are behind it at this point.

This isn't about me or Cons or Reps being warmongers at that point, it is about taking out a very serious threat. When even the extremists are saying "Damn, ISIS is fucked up! That shit is just WRONG!!!" then it actually IS a problem and not some concocted screwball scheme to re-invade created by your arch-nemesis politicians.

Maybe you should write a letter to Obama. Would that make you feel better? Maybe even write your Congressional leaders and vote to have Obama impeached for abuse of the Executive Office's powers. You know, all those things you wanted done to Bush...go for it! Or maybe even run for political office yourself, become President, and solve all of our problems by turning the US into a grand isolationist and socialist nation!!! You can do it, I believe in you!!!!!!

See champ, the thing is even Obama and the Liberal Dems who have demanded the US pull out of Iraq are in support of going after ISIS. ...

that would only matter to me if I was a mindless sheep that defended everything Obama or the Democrats did.

edit: and just out of curiosity... what does your shrink call you that could be worse than "psychopath?"
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how many "#1 threat"s will we have to fight before you realize maybe our policies there are the real problem?

it's like the Detroit Lions through the Matt Millen years... how many coaching changes and terrible draft picks have to go by before you realize there's a common thread between them?

It's no surprise to me that j-dumbass-dilco, "psychopath" zyxt, and spartanhack line up on the same side here. you clowns couldn't reason your way out of a paper bag.

Nor am I surprised that Thumb and Thumber think this isn't a problem for us or that it can be solved without our help or that it won't/hasn't spread outside the middle east. Also not surprised you don't see your own hypocrisy condemning Israel as oppressors and genocidal terrorists as you turn a blind eye to what's going on with ISIS or that you have no idea what a hypocrite you are when you call other people racists/homophobes/mysoginists or when you accuse people of being so tough on the internet as you sit your fatass behind a keyboard in your Bill Ayers t-shirt and hurl insults at people who aren't dumb enough to read editorials on Mother Jones, Hoffpo and firstlook.org and try to pass it off as anything close to fact-based news - especially as you make fun of what you think other peoples' news sources are. I've said it before, and I'm sure I'll say it again soon - you are one pathetic loser.
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did he say that about ISIS specifically? I don't recall McCain or anyone else's specific comments but but I do recall politicians and pundits saying that distinguishing between rebel groups and choosing the least bad (non-radical fundamentalists) group(s) to back was one of the bigger challenges.

No. That was before ISIS started calling themselves ISIS. I tried to find that quote on the internet; I found McCain quoted as saying the rebels "were not bad guys" on Bill O'Reilly.

Much of what is now ISIS is composed of those very rebels, however.

EDIT: Maybe they were calling themselves ISIS, I don't know, but I hadn't heard the term ISIS myself until pretty recently. I'm pretty sure McCain didn't refer to any of those rebels as ISIS; that was from about a year ago, when Obama was calling for Assad to step down.

Wikipedia is saying they adopted the acronyms ISIS or ISIL on April 8, 2013.

I don't think our government thought very much about them until they started achieving their recent military successes, and started making headlines for their brutality.
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I think that's mainly because they're beheading Americans. If they were killing them with more conventional methods like bombing or shooting them, we wouldn't have the same response. really strange but I think it's true. If some Baathist in Iraq blew up a car bomb to kill an american journalist it's buried on the 4th page of the newspaper. if they kill them with a knife, it's the lead story on the morning news

No, it's because they want to kill us all and will not stop until they do or they are killed.
No, it's because they want to kill us all and will not stop until they do or they are killed.

Are they going to sneak up on through the Allegheny Mountains on elephants?

If they were really attempting to kill us all, I'm confident that our military forces would dispatch them quite quickly.
Are they going to sneak up on through the Allegheny Mountains on elephants?

If they were really attempting to kill us all, I'm confident that our military forces would dispatch them quite quickly.

I'm not. Our military's record gets worse and worse each war.
I'm not. Our military's record gets worse and worse each war.

Please defend this statement with factual evidence. I would love to see how our military has gotten worse beginning with the Revelutiinary War or War of 1812...your preference on starting point....through today. I would really like to see how you try to defend such an assinine comment about the military.

If you had said politicians, maybe even the CIA...then MAYBE I woukd have taken this claim and not challenged it. However, you chose to claim the military, and for that I am calling you out.

So please, enlighten us champ. Pray tell us all how the military has gotten worse every war.