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NFL Draft Thread 2017

Why would the saints pick a RB ....don't sleep on Brian Hill and Donnel Pumphrey in the later rounds !
I just read an article that said Tabor had a bum hamstring. That more than likely explains his slow 40 times. Perhaps he is faster than we are led to believe?
Not that one exactly, but yeah pretty much what that one said I read. Except it being major. So he could very well be a lot faster, hopefully he is healthy by the time the season starts.
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Not a huge fan of the Tabor pick. I would have rather had a few others but again I trust Quinn and I like the direction we are going in.
Pumphrey is tiny. He makes Darren Sproles look like Shaq.

haha i know , but he does it all ...Might not be what we need but i love him and have had him on my fantasy teams the past few years so im biased . Hill on the other hand might be an option