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NHL Playoffs

Sharks hold on to game five winning 2-1 at home. Lead series 3-2 heading back to Colorado.
Well that changed quick. Looks like it's headed back to St. Louis.
Wow! Blues smoke Stars in Dallas 4-1. Heading home for game seven back in St Louis 3-3 tie in the series! I thought Dallas would close this out.
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Wow! Blues smoke Stars in Dallas 4-1. Heading home for game seven back in St Louis 3-3 tie in the series! I thought Dallas would close this out.
2-1 in 3rd. Blues score after Bishop got hurt and was laying in pain and play wasn't stopped because Blues still controlled puck. 1/2 minute later after leaving Bishop in (mistake imo) they scored again. Wasn't the blowout like the score says it was.
The Hurricanes have captured the attention of ppl in Charlotte for the time being. If when they get smoked by either COLUMBUS or BOSTON, things will return to normal, where ppl here don't give them a second thought otherwise.
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Think thats normal for most teams.

I mean look at Chicago, before their resurgence their building was half empty every game. Than they start winning and thousands of fans come out of the closet.
Four of the five top average attendances in 2019 are non-playoff teams. Don't know if that's significant.
This season Detroit was 5th (home & road) which is a little hard to believe but maybe they don't count certain seats up front or something. I should mention that's average people but % they filled 98% (again hard to believe) which would put them 17. But so many teams are so close..

Four of the five top average attendances in 2019 are non-playoff teams. Don't know if that's significant.

Don't trust the attendance numbers, they are a lie.

Detroit reports # of tickets sold NOT the actual attendance.
Given the number of empty seats in Detroit, how heavily they pushed single game tickets on FSD, my only conclusion (*circumstantial*) is that company within umbrella of Illitch holdings is 'buying' all unsold tickets to keep up appearances.

Or they are using the WWE approach and just make up the number and call it a sellout everytime.
McAvoy did his best impression of Scott Stevens.

Only got a 2 minute, most people on stream were expecting a 5.