Red_and_Guilty plays the scientist guy who invents a formula to create "dino-bait" to attract the raptors/t-rexs to a wide open area where the marines armed with bazookas and high-powered rifles can take them out.
What I'm thinking is...Red and byco get together, and re-create the dinosaur, intended to be livestock -
but -
they screw up; and they bring the dinosaurs back with cognitive abilities; they have reason, they can speak languages and communicate with each other, and with humans...and are roughly our size.
They escape, and populate...
And as they roam amongst us, humans are faced with a moral dilemma -
Do they have souls?
Would killing them be murder?
Do they pose a danger to humankind?
And the dinosaurs are faced with the same dilemmas, to a degree, regarding humans.
Oh, yeah, and one motif that HAS to be included -
The dinosaurs, they love to ski (or board, the younger ones anyway) and they love to surf.
Deal breaker, if that's not included.
Artistic license.