in each of the cases that recently overturned voter ID laws as unconstitutional, the evidence was OVER-FUCKING-WHELMING that these laws were intended to disenfranchise African American voters. We're talking multiple federal lawsuits in different states, in different federal circuits, before judges appointed by both Republican and Democratic presidents, all of which stood up on appeal finding Voter ID laws unconstitutional, the issue of voter ID fraud almost non-existent, and certainly not widespread, common or even rare. more like exceedingly rare, & almost non-existent.
Byco, if you're interested in the 4th Circuit's ruling that upheld the lower courts opinion finding the NC voter ID law unconstitutional, it's
the last paragraph on pg. 10 has the issue here in a nutshell:
"After years of preclearance and expansion of voting access, by 2013 African American registration and turnout rates had finally reached near-parity with white registration and turnout rates. African Americans were poised to act as a major electoral force. But, on the day after the Supreme Court issued Shelby County v. Holder, 133 S. Ct. 2612 (2013), eliminating preclearance obligations, a leader of the party that newly dominated the legislature (and the party that rarely enjoyed African American support) announced an intention to enact what he characterized as an “omnibus” election law. Before enacting that law, the legislature requested data on the use, by race, of a number of voting practices. Upon receipt of the race data, the General Assembly enacted legislation that restricted voting and registration in five different ways, all of which disproportionately affected African Americans."
a little background: prior to the case noted above, Shelby County v. Holder, Southern states had to have any voting laws pre-approved by the Federal government because of substantial evidence they were such racist fucks they couldnt be trusted not to pass laws on their own that didnt discriminate against African Americans. In 2013 the 5 Republican justices decided "eh, the South is finally over the Civil War because, well, just because." Almost immediately, southern states and a few others passed voter ID laws that clearly targeted African American voting practices so as to disenfranchise as many of them as they could, short of just openly stating "blacks can't vote."
this is all part of the public record, open and obvious. there's really no way to dispute it, unless, you know, you're okay with openly lying in the face of overwhelming evidence.
or one (not referring to byco) could be like spartanracist and tomdalton, and watch a short, heavily edited video clip made by a known liar and convict James O'Keefe, who Republitards and racists keep believing even though his dishonest editing methods are widely known, & public knowledge.