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Now the Rose Bowl Game Thread

I had some trouble with my cable/signal, and missed everything prior to the Morgan fumble on the punt return. So it was not a great start for me, but we've been playing well. just need to translate yardage to points better.

maybe we can wear Bama down. Corum and Edwards have put some licks on their secondary... and we've run them pretty hard on when we've been on offense
TOP is +1:30 Michigan. but not very lopsided. I hope we hold the ball longer in the 2nd half
I had some trouble with my cable/signal, and missed everything prior to the Morgan fumble on the punt return. So it was not a great start for me, but we've been playing well. just need to translate yardage to points better.

maybe we can wear Bama down. Corum and Edwards have put some licks on their secondary... and we've run them pretty hard on when we've been on offense

Keep hammering them on the run and they will get worn down. Then they will give up the big plays to seal this win for Michigan.
We ran 31 plays to their 25. Averaging 6.4 ypp to 3.8. That last drive they definitely reacted to us running it by adding more to the box so we are going to have to throw it some. I do think that there needs to be more emphasis on running it but the cute shit should be shelved. We have been successful with basic ass duo and intermediate passing. Also, they're playing almost all man. You'd think that Don brown's former employer would remember vividly how to attack that.

JJ is the only reason that double pass wasn't a disaster and the Orji package is fine and all but it doesn't seem to be necessary.

Of course if he pops them with a TD pass then it was worth the investment of setting it up.
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I think an x factor, here, is keeping McClellen in check. He's a damn good back and can break it. Cant lose sight of this guy. Keep scoring and stop making errors. Keep the pressure. Keep scoring. Keep scoring. Keep scoring. Bring back the Boa Constrictor!!!!!