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There is no comparable "MLB General" Board here to the NFL General Board on this forum, so I had to post this in the Detroit Tigers' Board.
Reading the "Carlos Zambrano" thread gave me the idea, to see if I could create an entire roster or "team" scenario of the most hated, and/or despised, and/or troubled, and/or controversial MLB players, since the turn of the now 21st century...gonna be hard to fill all of the spots in the field, due to some sharing the same spots, but whatever...If anyone can come up with or thinks of any other player(s) who they think could be included, or are "worse" than those that I have listed below, go ahead and indulge yourself, or perhaps create a mostly or wholly entirely different team of misfits and ne'er-do-wells...heh!!
I just did those who played in the 21st century,(and some had also late in the 20th) and didn't do separate leagues, as that would take a lot more time just scanning rosters, and trying to remember, and some would likely be borderline. Don't remind me of any who ONLY played in the 20th, such as Ty Cobb, BUT if you want to create a "team" of all 20th century players, be my guest.

C: POSada (Yankees) (due to his whining about playing time and complaints about his precipitous drop in the Yankees lineup when it was OBVIOUSLY clear to everyone not named Jorge, that he sucked ass at the plate, and yeah I know that he was mostly a DH this season)
Backup C: Pierzynski (White Sox) (When I ALMOST finish typing his initials and surname into Google, the suggestion of "is a Douche" immediately pops up...that'll work...LOL!!!)
1B: Dimitri Young (Tigers) (being castoff from the team, for reasons that are still not completely clear, during the heat of the Tigers '06 race for the ALCD title)
2B: Brandon Phillips (Reds) ("All they do is bitch and moan about everything, all of them, they're little bitches, all of 'em." said about the Cardinals in the '10 season, who he then instigated a brawl with by attacking their catcher, Molina)
SS: Hanley Ramirez (slacker extraordinaire, but being on the Marlins team is "almost" an excuse)
3B: Alex Rodriguez (Yankees) (admitted roider and Class A...hell..he is in a class all by himself, self-absorbed, PRIMADONNA).
OF: Barry Bonds (Giants) (PRIMADONNA, and the absolute epitome of controversial, with apparently far more doubters than believers on his side... 'nuff said)
OF: Gary Sheffield (Yankees, Marlins, Tigers, Mets, ect...) (aloof, controversial, outspoken, suspected roider, primadonna and purposely in lowercase..thats cuz he just couldn't quite make the cut for top 5 EVER in MLB..hahahaa!!)
OF: Manny Ramirez (Indians, Red Sox) (PRIMADONNA...Manny being Manny esp. for self-being self-ousted from MLB early last season for testing positive for banned substances)
4th OF: Elijah Dukes (mostly for his troubles outside baseball, and he now IS outside of MLB, what a waste, the ULTIMATE professional sports "baby-daddy" and that is even taking into consideration former NBA/NFL players, did he ever even briefly think about wearing a "raincoat" over his weenie?? What a dumbass!!)
DH: Dunn (Nationals, White Sox) (what an appropriate surname you now have, Adam!! The longer that you stubbornly remain a White Sox, with that 3 years' remaining millwheel of a contract around the WS franchise's neck, the more hated you will likely become by their fans, not that many of the "Southsiders" do not so richly deserve this hitless wonder & team embarASSment, IMO. There is a slight chance that he will turn it around, but I sure wouldn't want to bet even 1 large on it.)
SP: Roger Clemens (Red Sox, Astros, Yankees) (PRIMADONNA...when you "Google" the capital-letters POS, his name "should" be on top of the search listings, with millions of hits...lol!!)
SP: Weaver (Angels) The newest member to this club, his now infamous bitching, cussing, and whining episode @ Maggs during the past season, for allegedly watching his homer for too long before rounding the bases, and the .gif of the Guillen at-bat later, where he mocks Weaver and deliberately takes his sweet time watching his homer, doing a exaggerated bat-drop/toss, then hopping and dancing on his way to first to round the bases. I have seen the .gif online on occasion, and it was not only displayed by Tigers fans, but Rangers, Mariners, and A's fans as well.
SP: Carlos Zambrano (Cubs) (the subject of a thread on this board, fighting with teammates, anger issues, ect, ect, ect...)
RP: Kyle Farnsworth: (Tigers, Yankees, Royals, Rays) (has the vast majority of ANY team's fans ever liked him being on their team?!? & the Rays' hundred-odd fans don't count..haha!!)
CL: Papelbon (Red Sox) (Papsmear...that evil-eyed STARE that he is infamous for, primadonna, whiner, asshole-in-chief)
Reading the "Carlos Zambrano" thread gave me the idea, to see if I could create an entire roster or "team" scenario of the most hated, and/or despised, and/or troubled, and/or controversial MLB players, since the turn of the now 21st century...gonna be hard to fill all of the spots in the field, due to some sharing the same spots, but whatever...If anyone can come up with or thinks of any other player(s) who they think could be included, or are "worse" than those that I have listed below, go ahead and indulge yourself, or perhaps create a mostly or wholly entirely different team of misfits and ne'er-do-wells...heh!!
I just did those who played in the 21st century,(and some had also late in the 20th) and didn't do separate leagues, as that would take a lot more time just scanning rosters, and trying to remember, and some would likely be borderline. Don't remind me of any who ONLY played in the 20th, such as Ty Cobb, BUT if you want to create a "team" of all 20th century players, be my guest.
C: POSada (Yankees) (due to his whining about playing time and complaints about his precipitous drop in the Yankees lineup when it was OBVIOUSLY clear to everyone not named Jorge, that he sucked ass at the plate, and yeah I know that he was mostly a DH this season)
Backup C: Pierzynski (White Sox) (When I ALMOST finish typing his initials and surname into Google, the suggestion of "is a Douche" immediately pops up...that'll work...LOL!!!)
1B: Dimitri Young (Tigers) (being castoff from the team, for reasons that are still not completely clear, during the heat of the Tigers '06 race for the ALCD title)
2B: Brandon Phillips (Reds) ("All they do is bitch and moan about everything, all of them, they're little bitches, all of 'em." said about the Cardinals in the '10 season, who he then instigated a brawl with by attacking their catcher, Molina)
SS: Hanley Ramirez (slacker extraordinaire, but being on the Marlins team is "almost" an excuse)
3B: Alex Rodriguez (Yankees) (admitted roider and Class A...hell..he is in a class all by himself, self-absorbed, PRIMADONNA).
OF: Barry Bonds (Giants) (PRIMADONNA, and the absolute epitome of controversial, with apparently far more doubters than believers on his side... 'nuff said)
OF: Gary Sheffield (Yankees, Marlins, Tigers, Mets, ect...) (aloof, controversial, outspoken, suspected roider, primadonna and purposely in lowercase..thats cuz he just couldn't quite make the cut for top 5 EVER in MLB..hahahaa!!)
OF: Manny Ramirez (Indians, Red Sox) (PRIMADONNA...Manny being Manny esp. for self-being self-ousted from MLB early last season for testing positive for banned substances)
4th OF: Elijah Dukes (mostly for his troubles outside baseball, and he now IS outside of MLB, what a waste, the ULTIMATE professional sports "baby-daddy" and that is even taking into consideration former NBA/NFL players, did he ever even briefly think about wearing a "raincoat" over his weenie?? What a dumbass!!)
DH: Dunn (Nationals, White Sox) (what an appropriate surname you now have, Adam!! The longer that you stubbornly remain a White Sox, with that 3 years' remaining millwheel of a contract around the WS franchise's neck, the more hated you will likely become by their fans, not that many of the "Southsiders" do not so richly deserve this hitless wonder & team embarASSment, IMO. There is a slight chance that he will turn it around, but I sure wouldn't want to bet even 1 large on it.)
SP: Roger Clemens (Red Sox, Astros, Yankees) (PRIMADONNA...when you "Google" the capital-letters POS, his name "should" be on top of the search listings, with millions of hits...lol!!)
SP: Weaver (Angels) The newest member to this club, his now infamous bitching, cussing, and whining episode @ Maggs during the past season, for allegedly watching his homer for too long before rounding the bases, and the .gif of the Guillen at-bat later, where he mocks Weaver and deliberately takes his sweet time watching his homer, doing a exaggerated bat-drop/toss, then hopping and dancing on his way to first to round the bases. I have seen the .gif online on occasion, and it was not only displayed by Tigers fans, but Rangers, Mariners, and A's fans as well.
SP: Carlos Zambrano (Cubs) (the subject of a thread on this board, fighting with teammates, anger issues, ect, ect, ect...)
RP: Kyle Farnsworth: (Tigers, Yankees, Royals, Rays) (has the vast majority of ANY team's fans ever liked him being on their team?!? & the Rays' hundred-odd fans don't count..haha!!)
CL: Papelbon (Red Sox) (Papsmear...that evil-eyed STARE that he is infamous for, primadonna, whiner, asshole-in-chief)