if more MSU fans come on board, it will.
while this board was the brainchild of Monster, a Michigan fan, really only about half the mods are Michigan fans; the other half are Detroit sports fans generally. not sure if there is a single MSU fan mod. maybe that should change.
I think the Michigan espn board was always more lively than the MSU one, and most of us ended up here when ESPN rolled out their new format a couple seasons ago. the same thing didn't happen as much with MSU, although I know the invitations were extended to both boards, as well as the Tigers, Lions, Pistons and Wings' boards.
you guys also have the RCMB though, which seems to absorb the lion's share of the MSU fanbase.
I guess our closest equivalent would be MGoBlog, but a lot of Michigan fans don't really like it that much (myself included) and our online presence as a fanbase seems more spread out.