Appropos of this discussion,
here's an article on why public infrastructure costs - and not just high speed rail - are so ruinously expensive here in the US, with projects completed both in Europe (with high if not higher union labor costs) and China (geographically similar to the US) costing several orders of magnitude less than in either country.
California's aborted high speed rail line has cost $200 MILLION PER MILE (!!!) to build, while in France that cost for a high speed rail line of similar distance was around $15-$20 MILLION per mile.
The reasons for this is Basically, right now, we're the most corrupt country on the face of the Earth, and we fucking suck:
American infrastructure is this costly because of immense, endemic, universal public-private corruption?systems of both direct and financialized graft at every stage of infrastructure development, from the planning to the ribbon-cutting to the use of deferred maintenance to ransack public transportation budgets for cash, year after year, after which the responsible authorities claim that fixing the century-old signals is just too damn pricey. This system of legal fraud begins with the bevies of project consultants, continues through ludicrous private contractor and labor costs, and continues when, years later, high-paid administrative fixers and new armies of consultants and contractors arrive to fix what broke because it was never maintained. It is a system of tolerated kleptocracy that may be the only thing that America still does better than anyone else in the world. It is baked into every assumption about building for the public benefit.