Well one thing that confused me was AOC thinks that within 10 years we can make air travel obsolete…which seemed far fetched...until I realized she meant AIRPLANE travel would be obsolete.
We’ll still travel through the air, but instead of on polluting fossil fuel powered airplanes, we’ll be flying on the backs of unicorns who would be propelled by their own green rainbow farts-let not your heart be troubled, the green rainbow farts will still also have red and yellow and pink and purple and orange and blue.
And where will these unicorns come from, you ask?
Through the use of solar power and other green new technologies, we will convert polluting, methane farting cattle into clean, green rainbow farting unicorns (again, the green unicorn farts will still have all of the other colors of the rainbow).
Don’t get me wrong-back in my heyday I used to date chicks who were way crazier than this because they were hot. When they weren’t pissed off and trying to attack me with a lethal weapon, their insane rants were generally delightfully entertaining-what the fuck, why not, right?