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The New Recruiting Thread

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Maize&blue21 said:
doinwork83 said:
I was really hoping we could have gotten one or more of these kids to get caught up in the moment after the OSU win and sign their LOI right there on the spot before they left campus and that warm fuzzy feeling faded. Like the pic of Garnett and Magnuson hanging with Jake Long.

Garnett: "Man, this is the best experience of my life, If I had a LOI, Id sign it right now!"
Long: "Funny you mention that, Ive got one right here in my back pocket, Hoke sent it with me just incase. Just Sign here and here and date here and youre all set"
they can't sign their LOIs until february.

Well thanks fun police. Haha JK
From a Scout subscriber with 6500 posts....


Dunn Done

Just shared facebook messages with a couple contacts in Ohio....

Brionte is officially done with O$U and has decommitted from the bucks after a conversation today with Urban.

My sources did not know if he had contacted Michigan about this yet....

But we all know the likely destination now


...and the Mod's reference of it in another thread...


"that doesn't mean that posts like this (http://mbd.scout.com/mb.aspx?s=162&f=1088& t=8348538) are completely out to lunch. Some folks know certain folks, etc., and get told interesting things at times."
DR said:
From a Scout subscriber with 6500 posts....


Dunn Done

Just shared facebook messages with a couple contacts in Ohio....

Brionte is officially done with O$U and has decommitted from the bucks after a conversation today with Urban.

My sources did not know if he had contacted Michigan about this yet....

But we all know the likely destination now


...and the Mod's reference of it in another thread...


"that doesn't mean that posts like this (http://mbd.scout.com/mb.aspx?s=162&f=1088& t=8348538) are completely out to lunch. Some folks know certain folks, etc., and get told interesting things at times."

Damn son..
The mod went on to stress that anything being said is just a "moment in time" thing, so nothing's final, but if that's true....seems pretty final.
I just want this all to be Dunn and over with. Go Blue!
Marlo, I crack up everytime I see your signature gif, the OH SHIT look on his face is hysterical.
Over on Mgoblog, it says that Kalis is solid to Michigan, if anyone was wondering...
how many 2012 scholarships do we have left?
Hungry said:
Over on Mgoblog, it says that Kalis is solid to Michigan, if anyone was wondering...

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[color=#FF6103 said:
Monster [/color]]how many 2012 scholarships do we have left?

I'm hearing that we have 5 schollies left. Dunn, Diggs, Garnett, Wright, McNamara sounds about right to me! We probably won't get all of them (I'd guess we get 2, mayyyybe 3 of them) so you can plug in Darboh for one of them (I don't think we have a realistic shot at Diggs).

I don't know what to make of this whole Dunn thing anymore, there's been reports of him decomitting for months now but nothing solid has come out. I'm just going to assume he's going to Ohio and letting myself be pleasantly surprised if he doesn't but I don't have a good feeling.
So is the word on Dunn true or not, I looked and couldn't find much. Doesn't sound like anything has been Dunn.

Anyone know anything, or is it just speculation?(Obviously most of this is)
I'm not getting good vibes from Dunn for some reason, Urban doesn't really want him as a player because he just doesn't fit in his system, he just wants him to Michigan doesn't get him. If we don't get Dunn i expect our class to fill out with Garnett, McNamara, Yuri Wright, Amara Darboh, Jehu Chesson/Stefon Diggs
Maize&blue21 said:
I'm not getting good vibes from Dunn for some reason, Urban doesn't really want him as a player because he just doesn't fit in his system, he just wants him to Michigan doesn't get him. If we don't get Dunn i expect our class to fill out with Garnett, McNamara, Yuri Wright, Amara Darboh, Jehu Chesson/Stefon Diggs

If we don't get Dunn it's not the end of the world, of course we want him to come here but he's not a once in a while player, there will be 2-3 players just like him next year and every year after. If he wants to go be a FB for Urban then by all means do it, I want players that want to be the best and make an impact. 600 yards a year or 1200? The answer should be obvious.
smitdog67 said:
Maize&blue21 said:
I'm not getting good vibes from Dunn for some reason, Urban doesn't really want him as a player because he just doesn't fit in his system, he just wants him to Michigan doesn't get him. If we don't get Dunn i expect our class to fill out with Garnett, McNamara, Yuri Wright, Amara Darboh, Jehu Chesson/Stefon Diggs

If we don't get Dunn it's not the end of the world, of course we want him to come here but he's not a once in a while player, there will be 2-3 players just like him next year and every year after. If he wants to go be a FB for Urban then by all means do it, I want players that want to be the best and make an impact. 600 yards a year or 1200? The answer should be obvious.
Correct, he is a good player but he isn't a once in a generation player. Ty Isaac may be a once in a generation player, a 2013 RB out of Illinois who favors Michigan and Notre Dame, watch his film if you haven't. I just had a chance to watch Jehu Chesson's film again and i really want this kid, he is severely underrated and has the speed to stretch the field along with catching in traffic.
Maize&blue21 said:
smitdog67 said:
If we don't get Dunn it's not the end of the world, of course we want him to come here but he's not a once in a while player, there will be 2-3 players just like him next year and every year after. If he wants to go be a FB for Urban then by all means do it, I want players that want to be the best and make an impact. 600 yards a year or 1200? The answer should be obvious.
Correct, he is a good player but he isn't a once in a generation player. Ty Isaac may be a once in a generation player, a 2013 RB out of Illinois who favors Michigan and Notre Dame, watch his film if you haven't. I just had a chance to watch Jehu Chesson's film again and i really want this kid, he is severely underrated and has the speed to stretch the field along with catching in traffic.

Ty Isaac just put up over 500 yds in the state finals this weekend... Thats insane.
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