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The New Recruiting Thread

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allshouldbleedblue said:
speaking of garnett, stanford really filled out well in the OL position.

yeah no shit. they got andrus peat too, right?
Hungry said:
nothing on Kozan yet

what time is the Diamond announcement?
7 pm I believe. There have been contradicting reports the last few days, one day Tom heard bad, today he heard good. Should be an interesting announcement and any of the 4 wouldn't surprise me. Hopefully Diamond is a Wolverine at the end of the day though.

2013 update, Jourdan Lewis was offered and we are the favorite, look for him to commit at anytime really. There have been a ton of offers going out, check Touch the Banner for the full list.
Anyway, they show on Scout's website all their predictions and the eventual outcomes of NSD. They were pretty accurate and for what it's worth, the predictions are saying Diamond to UM.
Maize&blue21 said:
Hungry said:
nothing on Kozan yet

what time is the Diamond announcement?
7 pm I believe. There have been contradicting reports the last few days, one day Tom heard bad, today he heard good. Should be an interesting announcement and any of the 4 wouldn't surprise me. Hopefully Diamond is a Wolverine at the end of the day though.

2013 update, Jourdan Lewis was offered and we are the favorite, look for him to commit at anytime really. There have been a ton of offers going out, check Touch the Banner for the full list.

Wish we had or were at least getting big corner backs. It says he is 5'11'' but he needs to bulk up and not loose his mobility.
wlvrnstlr4life said:
Anyway, they show on Scout's website all their predictions and the eventual outcomes of NSD. They were pretty accurate and for what it's worth, the predictions are saying Diamond to UM.

Not sure if Allen Trieu made the prediction you're talking about, but as of this morning he changed his tune and would be surprised if Diamond chooses Michigan.

...and tjb is saying 40/60 to 30/70.
Kozan supposedly announcing tomorrow evening. Waiting to see what Diamond does?
DR said:
Kozan supposedly announcing tomorrow evening. Waiting to see what Diamond does?

My feelings all along.

I am a little scared of Kozan, so I hope Diamond picks UM and Kozan rolls to Auburn.
A 5* Diamond would be a great add. Might put us over Ohio in the 2012 recruit rankings.
I don't know that much about him, but I'd prefer Kozan if he really is a legit center prospect.

Of course a 5 star tackle wouldn't be too shabby. I guess I'd take either. Or both.
DR said:
I don't know that much about him, but I'd prefer Kozan if he really is a legit center prospect.

Of course a 5 star tackle wouldn't be too shabby. I guess I'd take either. Or both.

i just miss the good old days when one of our OL/DL graduated that we didn't have to worry about the next guy in line. The depth was always so great that we knew we had our "guy of the future". The same could be said for QB, RB, WR, and TE.
[color=#FF6103 said:
Monster [/color]]
DR said:
I don't know that much about him, but I'd prefer Kozan if he really is a legit center prospect.

Of course a 5 star tackle wouldn't be too shabby. I guess I'd take either. Or both.

i just miss the good old days when one of our OL/DL graduated that we didn't have to worry about the next guy in line. The depth was always so great that we knew we had our "guy of the future". The same could be said for QB, RB, WR, and TE.

No shit. I firmly believe we're only a couple years away from that. It's never going to be exactly the same, since college football as a whole has changed, but things definitely won't be as helter skelter, especially on the lines.
lostleader said:
Maize&blue21 said:
7 pm I believe. There have been contradicting reports the last few days, one day Tom heard bad, today he heard good. Should be an interesting announcement and any of the 4 wouldn't surprise me. Hopefully Diamond is a Wolverine at the end of the day though.

2013 update, Jourdan Lewis was offered and we are the favorite, look for him to commit at anytime really. There have been a ton of offers going out, check Touch the Banner for the full list.

Wish we had or were at least getting big corner backs. It says he is 5'11'' but he needs to bulk up and not loose his mobility.
5'11" is perfect size really, if they are any bigger they are usually stiff and can't make the cuts they need.
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