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The New Recruiting Thread

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[color=#FF6103 said:
Monster [/color]]
[quote="Maize&blue21":9xwu6gng]Kozan will be deciding again in around 15 minutes or so, Iowa has wrapped up their class so he isn't going their and Auburn just grabbed a 5* OT in Avery Young and are now full. Looks like he could be coming here.

aren't we full too, though?[/quote:9xwu6gng]No we have 3 spots still. Kozan was a no show at his announcement ceremony so I don't know what's going on.
Maize&blue21 said:
[quote="Monster ":eek:v9t023v]

aren't we full too, though?
No we have 3 spots still. Kozan was a no show at his announcement ceremony so I don't know what's going on.[/quote:eek:v9t023v]

Diamond is still on the board....i'm assuming? I heard that he will be telling his coaches where he's going today, so might we hear something?
[color=#FF6103 said:
Monster [/color]]
[quote="Maize&blue21":8ol5yqxl]No we have 3 spots still. Kozan was a no show at his announcement ceremony so I don't know what's going on.

Diamond is still on the board....i'm assuming? I heard that he will be telling his coaches where he's going today, so might we hear something?[/quote:8ol5yqxl]Diamond is still on the board yes. Our chances got better today with Auburn being full now. Also I heard he made the decision today but you will not hear anything about Diamond until Friday when he holds his press conference.
anyone listening to WTKA? lol hoke is on talking about pipkins' imitation.
Maize&blue21 said:
[quote="Monster ":evlq4zps]

Diamond is still on the board....i'm assuming? I heard that he will be telling his coaches where he's going today, so might we hear something?
Diamond is still on the board yes. Our chances got better today with Auburn being full now. Also I heard he made the decision today but you will not hear anything about Diamond until Friday when he holds his press conference. [/quote:evlq4zps]

cool, thanks buddy.
hoke on the question of "are you done yet?" he said, he'd like to add texas and oklahoma and maybe alaska. Any clues there?

edit: sounded like he was joking about alaska.
Coaching staff told Norfleet that he would be KR/PR and slot. But there is always a chance with RB.
[color=#006400 said:
biggunsbob[/color]]Norfleet is only 5'7 165.... That seems pretty small to me...Is a redshirt in his future the first year? I know he is a four star but damn that is little..

How is his size in comparison to Vince Smith, Mike Hart, Martavious Odoms, Jeremy Gallon, or Drew Dileo?
Hungry said:
[color=#006400 said:
biggunsbob[/color]]Norfleet is only 5'7 165.... That seems pretty small to me...Is a redshirt in his future the first year? I know he is a four star but damn that is little..

How is his size in comparison to Vince Smith, Mike Hart, Martavious Odoms, Jeremy Gallon, or Drew Dileo?

vince is 5'6 i know for sure. but i've seen Norfleet's weight anywhere from 165 to 180.

5'7 180 isn't too small. 165 is skinny, but 180 would have some decent muscle.
There are 28 spots for this class. I thought that had been pretty well covered.
Kalis says he likes the RG spot, but Hoke has also talked about him at RT.
[color=#FF6103 said:
Monster [/color]]
Hungry said:
How is his size in comparison to Vince Smith, Mike Hart, Martavious Odoms, Jeremy Gallon, or Drew Dileo?

vince is 5'6 i know for sure. but i've seen Norfleet's weight anywhere from 165 to 180.

5'7 180 isn't too small. 165 is skinny, but 180 would have some decent muscle.

I wasn't truly expecting an answer to my question, just pointing out some other 'smaller' men that have contributed at MIchigan recently.
Hungry said:
[quote author=admin board=wolverines thread=1975 post=121778 time=1328129522]

vince is 5'6 i know for sure. but i've seen Norfleet's weight anywhere from 165 to 180.

5'7 180 isn't too small. 165 is skinny, but 180 would have some decent muscle.

I wasn't truly expecting an answer to my question, just pointing out some other 'smaller' men that have contributed at MIchigan recently.[/quote

oh i know. just throwing shit against the wall. lol
I heard Iowa is on the outside and it's down to Auburn and Michigan and Auburn just signed Avery Young and he would be their 6th olineman. Dare I say he will go Blue?
Maize&blue21 said:
I don't think we land anymore recruits.

I thought there were a number of people that still thought Diamond will pick Michigan. You're obviously reading that people are no longer thinking this?
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