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The New Recruiting Thread

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aww ND lost their top WR commit Greenberry to Houston. I believe that is the 2nd recruit they lost today.
Jordan Payton signed with UCLA after committing to Washington a few days ago. Which means he was committed at one point to 4 pac 12 schools lol.
he sure did, what a first year haul for coach Hoke and the maize and blue
wheels002 said:
DR said:
Michigan ended up with 4 of the top 11 Ohio kids, 5 of 15, per scout...


Hoke did exactly what he said he would do. He said he was going to recruit Michigan and Ohio hard and he did.

Hell yeah. Hopefully the states keep producing this kind of talent.

Oh, and it's 6 of the top 18 too, didn't scroll down to see Wilson.
Norfleet is only 5'7 165.... That seems pretty small to me...Is a redshirt in his future the first year? I know he is a four star but damn that is little..
[color=#006400 said:
biggunsbob[/color]]Norfleet is only 5'7 165.... That seems pretty small to me...Is a redshirt in his future the first year? I know he is a four star but damn that is little..
He's small but he is crazy fast. He will be in the field immediately in the form of special teams
Seriously how does that cheating university ohio $tate do better then us... I don't get it... And Thanks Mark Emmert for letting that scumbag of a university from Columbus off the hook..
[color=#006400 said:
biggunsbob[/color]]Norfleet is only 5'7 165.... That seems pretty small to me...Is a redshirt in his future the first year? I know he is a four star but damn that is little..

Mike Hart was about 5'7 180 his frosh year. It depends if Dennis can contribute as a kick returner right away, the same goes for Drake. After Vincent graduates Norfleet will take over as our 3rd down back.
[color=#006400 said:
biggunsbob[/color]]Seriously how does that cheating university ohio $tate do better then us... I don't get it... And Thanks Mark Emmert for letting that scumbag of a university from Columbus off the hook..

The same way they've always done it....Just because the NCAA caught them doesn't mean they won't continue their shady ass practices.
Maize&blue21 said:
[quote="biggunsbob":h1n65kxu]Norfleet is only 5'7 165.... That seems pretty small to me...Is a redshirt in his future the first year? I know he is a four star but damn that is little..
He's small but he is crazy fast. He will be in the field immediately in the form of special teams[/quote:h1n65kxu]

Well that is a good thing I guess.. But I would prefer bigger kids... I will go look at his video.. I don't want to buy to much of the kool-aid about this class yet... I am excited but trying to stay tempered..
MAIZEandBLUE09 said:
[color=#006400 said:
biggunsbob[/color]]Seriously how does that cheating university ohio $tate do better then us... I don't get it... And Thanks Mark Emmert for letting that scumbag of a university from Columbus off the hook..

The same way they've always done it....Just because the NCAA caught them doesn't mean they won't continue their shady ass practices.

I am just frustrated that top kids and their parents would buy what O$U is selling... It makes no sense..
[color=#006400 said:
MAIZEandBLUE09 said:
The same way they've always done it....Just because the NCAA caught them doesn't mean they won't continue their shady ass practices.

I am just frustrated that top kids and their parents would buy what O$U is selling... It makes no sense..

it's simple. Ohio has been the best Big 10 team in the last decade....by far. That pains me to admit, but they have. Also, we may look at Urban Meyer negatively, but the rest of the football world doesn't.

Fuck them anyway.
[color=#006400 said:
biggunsbob[/color]]Seriously how does that cheating university ohio $tate do better then us... I don't get it... And Thanks Mark Emmert for letting that scumbag of a university from Columbus off the hook..
Who cares, I would take our class over theirs everyday of the week.
These scholarships the kids have signed are 4 year scholarships much like most of the Big Ten and part of the Pac 12
Kozan will be deciding again in around 15 minutes or so, Iowa has wrapped up their class so he isn't going their and Auburn just grabbed a 5* OT in Avery Young and are now full. Looks like he could be coming here.
Maize&blue21 said:
Kozan will be deciding again in around 15 minutes or so, Iowa has wrapped up their class so he isn't going their and Auburn just grabbed a 5* OT in Avery Young and are now full. Looks like he could be coming here.

aren't we full too, though?
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