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The New Recruiting Thread

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I said tomorrow and Sara Hughes said she's betting tonight. Right now she's running out of time.
TheVictors03 said:
[color=#FF6103 said:
Monster [/color]]buddy, where do you actual get your info from? Just from other websites or do you actually know somebody?

I've come to believe it's some sort of algorithm based on multiple twitter and recruiting sources and oddly accurate.
This. I use the sources and create a logic based prediction and tell it to you guys. I don't make the stuff up I get it mostly from 247 and ESPN.
Maize&Cheese304 said:
I said tomorrow and Sara Hughes said she's betting tonight. Right now she's running out of time.
No offense to her, but, I don't know how to say this nicely. Uhh she's an idiot because she is a complete homer. Basically the only people you should be taking info from in Tremendous, Rivals, Scout (only sometimes though because Tom Beaver is an idiot), 247, and TomVH. All the rest mostly speculate.
Mike Farrell ‏ @rivalsmike
EJ Levenberry confirmed #Michigan leads, but I still say watch out for #FSU
Maize&Cheese304 said:
Yeah I was quite surprised when she said tonight. It makes so much more sense for tomorrow.
He probably won't even meet with the coaches tonight, he just left a little while ago according to his twitter.
Maize&Cheese304 said:
Yeah I was quite surprised when she said tonight. It makes so much more sense for tomorrow.

I think she wants to do Shane Morris....
I wonder when an older student has sex with an incoming highly rated athlete, do they regret it if the player busts? Lol.

I mean imagine how many girls wanted Devin Gardner just because he was a 5* Qb recruit for Michigan. Will they regret it if he plays shitty in 2013 lol.
Maize&Cheese304 said:
I wonder when an older student has sex with an incoming highly rated athlete, do they regret it if the player busts? Lol.

I mean imagine how many girls wanted Devin Gardner just because he was a 5* Qb recruit for Michigan. Will they regret it if he plays shitty in 2013 lol.

+1 for paragraph #1
I hope Morris gives Urban Meyer a 4yr pearl necklace, if you know what I mean .....
b311j said:

I see I'm late getting here, but I did start a new thread about
McCray just to tick off the ones who hate new threads when I could have posted here.
Maize&Cheese304 said:
I said tomorrow and Sara Hughes said she's betting tonight. Right now she's running out of time.

Last night I told her he would today around 2pm. It was announced at 2:03. She needs fired.
List of visitors for this weekend.

OL Colin McGovern
DB Gareon Conley
RB Ty Isaac
2014 DE Dylan Roney
LB Shane Jones
WR Zach Bradshaw
LB Alex Anzalone
OL David Dawson (commit)
QB Shane Morris (commit)
DE Christian Lacouture

Out of those guys don't be surprised if Ty Isaac and Gareon Conley pull the trigger.
Who saw what Cam Burrows said to McCray on twitter?

He has a surprise for McCray tomorrow.

Cam switching, Ohio offer for McCray, a car from boosters?? Who knows.
[color=#551A8B said:
Danny Diggler[/color]]Who saw what Cam Burrows said to McCray on twitter?

He has a surprise for McCray tomorrow.

Cam switching, Ohio offer for McCray, a car from boosters?? Who knows.
He probably plastered his locker with OSU stuff or something like that.
11 out of 14 on ESPN 150 list??? That is an insane pace. I remember Shane saying he was going to help UM recruit by talking to others, but still!!! This will likely go down as one of the greatest UM classes of all time, and possibly a chance to be the best class in NCAA history at this rate.

How many more in the 150 group are considering UM? Could they land 5+ more from that list? If they do, what are the chances some guys decommit from other schools to be part of this group? As if that isn't sweet enough, they already seem to be developing chemistry.
I saw earlier Morris will be visiting this weekend when some big time players will be coming for a visit. So hopefully he can help get some more commit.
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