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The New Recruiting Thread

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so basically, we have 3 5* kids (as of now) for 2013? wow.
Looking very good for Gareon Conley to commit this weekend. All other LBs were told not to visit this weekend because we are full according to the coaches, so either one of two things happened, Gedeon is a silent commit or they are all in on EJ Levenberry.
Maize&blue21 said:
Looking very good for Gareon Conley to commit this weekend. All other LBs were told not to visit this weekend because we are full according to the coaches, so either one of two things happened, Gedeon is a silent commit or they are all in on EJ Levenberry.

My money is on both, they told EJ that they would save him a spot and it's been rumored that Gedeon has been a silent for about a week now, kinda like McCray was.
Maize&blue21 said:
Don't be surprised to see Ty Isaac commit this weekend.

seriously, buddy...?! don't fuck around now....
I don't know all the particulars with this kid, but if you're a big, powerful, fast running back, how could you pass up coming to a school so steeped in RB tradition, with coaches that clearly want to pound the rock, and back to back top 5 OL classes?? This should be a dream come true for a 25 carry a game guy.
Maize&blue21 said:
Don't be surprised to see Ty Isaac commit this weekend.

Wow, a good weekend could potentially turn out even better than expected. I hope Isaac pulls the trigger and gets it over with.
DR said:
Last year Scout had (50) 5*'s, and at least (250) 4*'s. Their list stops at the top 300.

Rivals had (32) 5*'s, and at least (218) 4*'s. Theirs stops at 250.

So Rivals rankings are tougher to crack, and seemingly more highly regarded by the masses.

Also, the number of 4 and 5 star players increase as the year goes on, for both sites.

is that due to guys being timed faster in the 40 and shuttles, higher in their vertical, longer in their broad, and more reps on the 225 bench? cuz those are the real measurables that equate to their ability...right??? ;P
He'll be the biggest rb recruit Michigan has had since Kevin grady. Let's hope Ty can hold on to the rock.
zyxt9 said:
DR said:
Last year Scout had (50) 5*'s, and at least (250) 4*'s. Their list stops at the top 300.

Rivals had (32) 5*'s, and at least (218) 4*'s. Theirs stops at 250.

So Rivals rankings are tougher to crack, and seemingly more highly regarded by the masses.

Also, the number of 4 and 5 star players increase as the year goes on, for both sites.

is that due to guys being timed faster in the 40 and shuttles, higher in their vertical, longer in their broad, and more reps on the 225 bench? cuz those are the real measurables that equate to their ability...right??? ;P

Probably because the scouts have had more time to focus on them, since the senior class above them is now gone. They're not going to give someone a 4 or 5 star unless they're sure they deserve it. So in the mean time they slap a 3 star or UR on them.

Not that you were really looking for an answer...
[color=#551A8B said:
Danny Diggler[/color]]He'll be the biggest rb recruit Michigan has had since Kevin grady. Let's hope Ty can hold on to the rock.

And he was the biggest RB recruit since Kelly Baraka, I'm a little apprehensive to want to put Isaac in that group...
All these star athletes committing makes me almost feel sorry for Hoke cuz it will be very tough to match this again, especially if it doesn't result in NCs. I say almost though, cuz I believe Hoke can make it happen many times over. Welcome to the new era of UM DOMINATION!!!
zyxt9 said:
All these star athletes committing makes me almost feel sorry for Hoke cuz it will be very tough to match this again, especially if it doesn't result in NCs. I say almost though, cuz I believe Hoke can make it happen many times over. Welcome to the new era of UM DOMINATION!!!

its a good thing Dantonio's specialty is developing low star players because now thats all hes gonna get.

I really believe once Hoke gets things situated with his players in place we could really see something special for years in UM football. His players love him and he loves the school and the program it is a match made in heaven.
zyxt9 said:
All these star athletes committing makes me almost feel sorry for Hoke cuz it will be very tough to match this again, especially if it doesn't result in NCs. I say almost though, cuz I believe Hoke can make it happen many times over. Welcome to the new era of UM DOMINATION!!!
Well I didn't believe he could top last year when we first started but this class makes that one look weak. If our on field success continues we could start pulling in Bama type classes.
Maize&blue21 said:
zyxt9 said:
All these star athletes committing makes me almost feel sorry for Hoke cuz it will be very tough to match this again, especially if it doesn't result in NCs. I say almost though, cuz I believe Hoke can make it happen many times over. Welcome to the new era of UM DOMINATION!!!
Well I didn't believe he could top last year when we first started but this class makes that one look weak. If our on field success continues we could start pulling in Bama type classes.

I dont think we will ever get Bama type classes for a while because we will not recruit like Bama does. We all know things in the SEC are not on the up and up.
wheels002 said:
Maize&blue21 said:
Well I didn't believe he could top last year when we first started but this class makes that one look weak. If our on field success continues we could start pulling in Bama type classes.

I dont think we will ever get Bama type classes for a while because we will not recruit like Bama does. We all know things in the SEC are not on the up and up.

what do you mean? Hoke has 3 5* in 2013 class. most of the rest are high 4* players.
[color=#FF6103 said:
Monster [/color]]
wheels002 said:
I dont think we will ever get Bama type classes for a while because we will not recruit like Bama does. We all know things in the SEC are not on the up and up.

what do you mean? Hoke has 3 5* in 2013 class. most of the rest are high 4* players.

I know it really doesnt make sense but eventually somehow Bama will have a better class then us and somehow sign 30 players when they only have room for like 18 because 12 players will suddenly come down with a mystery career ending ailment.
wheels002 said:
[color=#FF6103 said:
Monster [/color]]

what do you mean? Hoke has 3 5* in 2013 class. most of the rest are high 4* players.

I know it really doesnt make sense but eventually somehow Bama will have a better class then us and somehow sign 30 players when they only have room for like 18 because 12 players will suddenly come down with a mystery career ending ailment.

they still usually only have 2 or 3 5* recruits and almost all the rest are 4*...kind of like what 2013 is turning into. If we get Isaac, he's another 5*, correct? That'd be 4. I'd say that rivals Bama no matter how many they oversign.
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