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The New Recruiting Thread

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[color=#FF6103 said:
Monster [/color]]
wheels002 said:
I know it really doesnt make sense but eventually somehow Bama will have a better class then us and somehow sign 30 players when they only have room for like 18 because 12 players will suddenly come down with a mystery career ending ailment.

they still usually only have 2 or 3 5* recruits and almost all the rest are 4*...kind of like what 2013 is turning into. If we get Isaac, he's another 5*, correct? That'd be 4. I'd say that rivals Bama no matter how many they oversign.

I am greedy I was Isaac and Treadwell lol. I wanted Breneman to but we signed 2 TE's already and he committed to PSU today. I am sure Urban will give him a call in the am lol
Nah, Herb's supersweet TebowSpread he's bringing to Ohio* don't need no tight ends! Breneman to PSU is noter dame sucks' loss, IMO.
TheVictors03 said:
Nah, Herb's supersweet TebowSpread he's bringing to Ohio* don't need no tight ends! Breneman to PSU is noter dame sucks' loss, IMO.

Hernandez was an alright tight end...
[color=#551A8B said:
Danny Diggler[/color]]
TheVictors03 said:
Nah, Herb's supersweet TebowSpread he's bringing to Ohio* don't need no tight ends! Breneman to PSU is noter dame sucks' loss, IMO.

Hernandez was an alright tight end...

And in no way like Breneman, a lumbering TE compared to Kyle Rudolph, not as athletic as Hernandez. besides, I was just making a joke -- who gives a fuck about Breneman so long as he didn't go to ND or Ohio*.
Saban's panties must be all bunched up. Bama wins the NC but UM is getting all these 4 & 5 star 2013 guys. He'll have to work even harder than usual to figure out how to cheat the system now! Even then, I honestly don't see any team topping UM's 2013 class as it already is a #1 level and they still have more coming, not to mention current 4s with potential to become 5s
zyxt9 said:
Saban's panties must be all bunched up. Bama wins the NC but UM is getting all these 4 & 5 star 2013 guys. He'll have to work even harder than usual to figure out how to cheat the system now! Even then, I honestly don't see any team topping UM's 2013 class as it already is a #1 level and they still have more coming, not to mention current 4s with potential to become

It may bother Saban more because it is Michigan doing it. After all he did leave Sparty for LSU in part because no matter how much he built the program in EL he was always going to be second fiddle to U of M
Ohio Massillon DB Gareon Conley is BLUE! No stars by the services yet ...

And Ty Isaac is in A2!
Conley could be a very good pick up for us. I think by the end of the year he will be considered a mid to high 4*. Also lets hope Isaac jumps on the commit train this weekend.
I think I went straight to rivals from a cached page- no rank there but I thought he was a 3/4*
[color=#551A8B said:
Danny Diggler[/color]]Any news bb?
He is no longer on campus, he didn't commit but don't rule out him pulling a Jake Butt because he knows the situation of DeVeon Smith visiting to commit next weekend if the spot is there.
you think that it Deveon commits, that might rule out Isaac? I'd love to pull both.
[color=#FF6103 said:
Monster [/color]]you think that it Deveon commits, that might rule out Isaac? I'd love to pull both.
I think the coaches would allow it but they both wouldn't want to be in the same class.
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