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The New Recruiting Thread

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Sooo aparrently roundtree tweeted Mcray congrats which is a no no.. anyone kno anything on this?
He deleted it.

It shouldn't be that big if a deal. Roy knew him already. Both grew up at the same high school.

I'm glad the ncaa is all over this, while the sec cheat in recruiting, da u has its prostitutes, Ohio tattoo parlor,
is the ncaa "all over it?" I do my best to avoid ESPNsux altogether, so if they've actually moved beyond Bountygate to Twittergate, I didn't realize it.
wait, current players can't contact recruits?
They are not supposed to contact unsigned recruits. It happens and we all know it happens. I think Roy meant to send it as a private tweet and he messed up. Its not a very big violation. Its along the lines of a letter saying please dont do that.
Isn't there an exception if there is already a pre-existing connection though?
mjsb2 said:
Isn't there an exception if there is already a pre-existing connection though?

that I am not sure about. It sounds logical but then since when is the NCAA logical.
A) Twitter will be the end of the world, I'm convinced ....... heh

B) Ohio* fans are mountaining this mole hill and trying to make it into an issue (presuming McCray would then go to Ohio, I suppose)
As a secondary thought ..... Shane Morris tweeted last night that he was watching the replay of UTL on the BTN (as was I) and how awesome it was to be there in person .... Taco then tweeted being there was a contributing factor to choosing Michigan AND ... people were tweeted Roundtree "congrats" and "thanks" during the replay game last night.

NCAA need to stick its nose into any of those tweets too?!
TheVictors03 said:
As a secondary thought ..... Shane Morris tweeted last night that he was watching the replay of UTL on the BTN (as was I) and how awesome it was to be there in person .... Taco then tweeted being there was a contributing factor to choosing Michigan AND ... people were tweeted Roundtree "congrats" and "thanks" during the replay game last night.

NCAA need to stick its nose into any of those tweets too?!

Pretty sure recruits can tweet players though lol
Kugler, Morris and Dymonte all 5*'s per Scout now. Kugler the top guard. Morris #3 QB.
Which of the two major services - Scout or Rivals - is "loose" with the stars? I recall last year that when a player not going to Michigan was "4stars" by one agency and "3stars" by the other (or vice versa) ... there was usually some form of justification like, "well, getting 5-stars on Scout is easy - Rivals is a lot tougher..."

(or vice versa)
Last year Scout had (50) 5*'s, and at least (250) 4*'s. Their list stops at the top 300.

Rivals had (32) 5*'s, and at least (218) 4*'s. Theirs stops at 250.

So Rivals rankings are tougher to crack, and seemingly more highly regarded by the masses.

Also, the number of 4 and 5 star players increase as the year goes on, for both sites.
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