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The Official Kansas vs ][V][ichigan NCAA Tourney thread

Why are we going with our shittiest lineup. Spike should find a seat at the end of the bench.
I think KU is ow i fully dominant control

They are getting ball for us and rarely miss the fields goal. 58-48
Gawd I hate watching when we are losing anyway.

Fuck I hope Ohio loses next round.
GRIII has got to step up. Risk fouling out or whatever, but he has got to step it up on defense.
I am just not liking this and thinking i will sign off

Going the way i expected. Unfortunately. KU us a #1 seed for a reason

We have these weak aspects of our game it makes you wonder why folksmthoughtnwe were a #1 team

Fuck you Monster. I'd just be dropping F bombs in front of my kids. I detest watching us lose in ball.

But I love u too. ;)

(I hate watching us lose in football more, but I care about that WAYYYYYY more so I watch it religiously. )