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The Official PennSt vs ][V][ichigan Game Thread

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Had nothing to do with the slide. That was just a dumb announcer not seeing what happened. He lost the ball and it went backwards. Where the ball goes out is the spot.
Had nothing to do with the slide. That was just a dumb announcer not seeing what happened. He lost the ball and it went backwards. Where the ball goes out is the spot.

Still the ball went out after the marker. It might have hit the ground behind the marker but it crossed the boundary after the marker.
Had nothing to do with the slide. That was just a dumb announcer not seeing what happened. He lost the ball and it went backwards. Where the ball goes out is the spot.

The worst part was after he realized there was a fumble he kept trying to justify his initial take. Glad Pereira called him out.
Still the ball went out after the marker. It might have hit the ground behind the marker but it crossed the boundary after the marker.

What's the rule on a fumbled ball going out of bounds? It's not a dead ball once it broke the plane in JJ's hand so why would a fumbled ball die then?
Still the ball went out after the marker. It might have hit the ground behind the marker but it crossed the boundary after the marker.

That's what I said. They marked it where it landed and it landed 3 feet out of bounds. So somehow they managed to CONFIRM THAT the ball went backwardams 1 yard and then took a 90 degree turn, without being touched, and landed even with where it crossed the sideline.
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