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Today's example of Christians behaving badly

^^^^^ I couldn?t possibly have any idea of what you know and do not know about the Catholic Church. I know that it is the repository of the only Truth that matters, and it alone is the steward of souls. On this All Souls? Day, I will pray for the sanctity of yours and everyone?s who post here. ^^^^^


Cool, thanks.

But getting back to the cardinal of middle earth - that is a real thing, right?
Cool, thanks.

Too few people apparently are unaware that their eternal souls will end up in one of two destinations. That?s one of the reasons why I pray for the conversion of souls. Once a body dies, there is no further recourse for those who, in the particular judgement, have chosen by the actions of their lives to refuse God?s graces.


But getting back to the cardinal of middle earth - that is a real thing, right?

The Cardinals on the surface of the earth are enough of a distraction and disappointment at times, so I?ll not even consider the possibility.
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Maybe the Pope understands that the abortion issue is really just a political football, and the wealthy who fund the media coverage and PR over such issues know their wives, daughters, (and mistresses and whores) will always be able to get - and are getting - abortions, and so for them to sit there in the front pew every Sunday, and have the local scholarship to the Catholic school, or science wing, or new gym named after them and claim to oppose abortion is the height of hypocrisy, so the Pope is sitting up there in Rome saying (in so many words) "You know what? You're all full of shit anyway, and if he wants communion, let him have communion."

this should probably be under the Christians behaving well thread. or maybe we need a third thread, "Christians behaving morally neutral"

Isaiah 5:20. That?s my response to this post and to Catholics who support abortion. They will stand face to face with Christ and have to account for their actions.

This bill is the death knell of our nation, sponsored by the party that champions death.

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Too few people apparently are unaware that their eternal souls will end up in one of two destinations. That?s one of the reasons why I pray for the conversion of souls. Once a body dies, there is no further recourse for those who, in the particular judgement, have chosen by the actions of their lives to refuse God?s graces.


The Cardinals on the surface of the earth are enough of a distraction and disappointment at times, so I?ll not even consider the possibility.


Usama bin Laden was another one who was pretty confident that he knew what would happen to peoples? souls after they die, why it would happen, and it also was determined by the acceptance or non-acceptance of God?s grace.

Usama bin Laden was another one who was pretty confident that he knew what would happen to peoples? souls after they die, why it would happen, and it also was determined by the acceptance or non-acceptance of God?s grace.

Only God can judge a person?s heart, which means their desire and commitment to complete His divine will. On the surface, it does not appear he did so.

And, as a friend of mine said: ?either all the churches are wrong, or only one of them is right.?
Only God can judge a person?s heart, which means their desire and commitment to complete His divine will. On the surface, it does not appear he did so.

And, as a friend of mine said: ?either all the churches are wrong, or only one of them is right.?

No argument here.
?either all the churches are wrong, or only one of them is right.?

If there was only one issue in the world that's the difference between right and wrong, maybe, just maybe this would be a reasonable thing to say. But the real world ain't close to this being anything more than something that sounds good because we instinctively love absolutes. Absolutes make us feel like we can turn our brains off and be good people by being 100% committed to knee jerk reactions. But the truth ain't like that. God wouldn't have made people if it were that easy.
All are right to different degrees. To believe otherwise is to believe God made most people both in His image AND fundamentally flawed.


One of them has to be completely right and the rest of them completely wrong, or none of them can be right at all.

Nothing else is logical, rational, reasonable, or makes any sense at all.

Some guy came to this conclusion so it has to be true.

One of them has to be completely right and the rest of them completely wrong, or none of them can be right at all.

Nothing else is logical, rational, reasonable, or makes any sense at all.

Some guy came to this conclusion so it has to be true.

WTF?!?! I'm also 'some guy'. You can't look to me for your decisive conclusions about existential reality?
All are right to different degrees. To believe otherwise is to believe God made most people both in His image AND fundamentally flawed.

God loved us to the degree that He offered us free will to accept or reject him. To obey him out of love or to shape Him into our image to suit our desires rather than to follow the example of His own Son, who established His Church as the singular repository of His Truth before He was crucified, died, and is risen. To offer otherwise is to severely diminish that sacrifice and to consider it unnecessary for our salvation, when all Jesus did when He walked the earth was tell us that he was going to die to conquer sin and death.

No Church that God created can be ?right to different degrees?. It is 100% right. The rest are, in someway, out of step or even in contradiction to that Church.
God loved us to the degree that He offered us free will to accept or reject him. To obey him out of love or to shape Him into our image to suit our desires rather than to follow the example of His own Son, who established His Church as the singular repository of His Truth before He was crucified, died, and is risen. To offer otherwise is to severely diminish that sacrifice and to consider it unnecessary for our salvation, when all Jesus did when He walked the earth was tell us that he was going to die to conquer sin and death.

No Church that God created can be ?right to different degrees?. It is 100% right. The rest are, in someway, out of step or even in contradiction to that Church.

How's it supposed to be 100% when people choose if they want to listen to the Pope or the Bishops that don't like what he says?
How's it supposed to be 100% when people choose if they want to listen to the Pope or the Bishops that don't like what he says?

Christ is the head of the Church, not any Pope or Bishop. Christ is incapable of fallacy. Therefore, His Church is infallible. Which is why we, the fallible, should obey what it teaches us, without stipulations, qualifications, or exceptions.
Christ is the head of the Church, not any Pope or Bishop. Christ is incapable of fallacy. Therefore, His Church is infallible. Which is why we, the fallible, should obey what it teaches us, without stipulations, qualifications, or exceptions.

When people say things like "One of them has to be completely right and the rest of them completely wrong, or none of them can be right at all." They're talking about the voices and actors that say they're doing things as a representative of that religion, right or wrong. You could probably argue most of what the Church does, doesn't count otherwise. There'd be very little Church left after you carved away all a fallible bits.
When people say things like "One of them has to be completely right and the rest of them completely wrong, or none of them can be right at all." They're talking about the voices and actors that say they're doing things as a representative of that religion, right or wrong. You could probably argue most of what the Church does, doesn't count otherwise. There'd be very little Church left after you carved away all a fallible bits.

There are critical truths that only the Catholic Church teaches, authorized by God and reinforced by scripture and His ?One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church.? It?s in the Creed that I state out loud at Mass every Sunday.

Truths that are not negotiable. I expect that you know what they are. Other Christian churches reject these truths, or mitigate them somehow. That makes them wrong.

Have you read the Catechism? Every Catholic should have a copy of it.