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Today's Good Old American mass shooting brought to you by...


Well-known member
Aug 4, 2011
A church in Sutherland Springs, TX, just outside San Antonio.

reports are 27 dead; shooter apparently dead as well. story still developing.

Standard disclaimer: it's still too early to politicize this tragedy, nothing we can do, hands are tied, Constitutional rights, etc.
Only thing that can stop an evil gunman in a church is a good congregation packing heat.

Or will Jones, Limbaugh..et. al..label this as a false flag?

Nahh...b/c a good guy is now in the Offal Orifice.
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Only thing that can stop an evil gunman in a church is a good congregation packing heat.

Or will Jones, Limbaugh..et. al..label this as a false flag?

Nahh...b/c a good guy is now in the Offal Orifice.

Actually...I'm curious to know how many of the parishioners were armed, and if there was any return fire...I kinda would have thought hayseeds in a podunk backwater town in the southern part of Texas would be packing all the time.
Mass shooting tracker

Life in gun loving America sadly now. It's how we think. I kid you not I was at meijers in line thinking today because of how busy it was how a shooter could come in and wipe out a bunch of us. We rarely go to movies anymore becaue of this shit. I am always looking for the exits .. Damn this stinks. .

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Actually...I'm curious to know how many of the parishioners were armed, and if there was any return fire...I kinda would have thought hayseeds in a podunk backwater town in the southern part of
Texas would be packing all the time.

"A woman wrote on Facebook that she saw the man flee the scene in his vehicle before crashing it not far from her daughter's house. She said he then ran on foot and was pursued by police."

"The shooter was killed after the brief foot chase into Guadalupe County, according Guadalupe County Sheriff's Office spokesman Robert Murphy.
But it's still unclear if the gunman shot himself or was taken down by authorities."

Anyway the first (I think) address of the press at a conference by any official since the incident.

The Governor is starting out.
So the guy was white...police estimate in his early 20s.

Police saying they haven't ID'd him.

I guess he had no identification on his person.
Gunman identified as Devon Patrick Kelly.

Former military.

No known association yet with the church.
Texas Governor Abbott condemned the ?evil act,? writing on Twitter, ?Our prayers are with all who were harmed by this evil act.

The victims were praying when they were slaughtered, ya ironsided sociopath imbecile. Fat lot of holy grace it did to save them.
Funny, right wing idiots are falling for photoshops of the guy's facebook page that shows an antifa flag along with likes of CNN, atheist pages, and MSNBC. These people are so fucking pathetic - desperate to paint this as a liberal thing. I hate Antifa as much anyone, but I'm even more sick of people falling for fake news. Maybe he was, but what's been released is clearly fake.
He taught or assisted @ bible study classes, and apparently had a tie to the church from his mother in law.

The trollbaiters, whackjobs , crackpots, and conspiracy kooks all have come out of the woodwork, some posting such insane BS, that I had to click out of the comments in disgust.
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now I'm reading he was apparently dishonorably discharged from the AF for domestic violence, meaning he could not legally purchase firearms. but all he had to do was lie about it on his background check form.

I've read about how background check laws are passed, but no legislatures ever apportion funds to actually DO the background checks, so in practice they are meaningless.

but hey... in this case it would mean one more gun sold. only 27 people died so Armalite or Bushmaster or whoever could make $700.

The reality in America is: that is an acceptable arrangement.
Where does it state in the 2nd Amendment that US citizens have the right to own rapid-fire weapons to defend against govmint tyranny?

b/c that is a common excuse given by gun hoarding ammosexuals. I suppose that some do, b/c their cache's value would soar in the black market, if assault weapons are ever banned.

Kelley uploaded an image of his assaUlt rifle, but no one who knew that he was DD ratted on him.
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Where does it state in the 2nd Amendment that US citizens have the right to own rapid-fire weapons to defend against govmint tyranny?

b/c that is a common excuse given by gun hoarding ammosexuals. I suppose that some do, b/c their cache's value would soar in the black market, if assault weapons are ever banned.

Kelley uploaded an image of his assaUlt rifle, but no one who knew that he was DD ratted on him.

I don't blame them... who would rat on a homicidally crazy person with an assault rifle? I doubt very much the local PD would take an interest in doing jack shit about it.
I don't blame them... who would rat on a homicidally crazy person with an assault rifle? I doubt very much the local PD would take an interest in doing jack shit about it.

Not the locals, but the service branch who DDed him.