Here's a background on Soleimani (
link). He sounds a little too much like one of our own generals: largely ineffective and primarily concerned with promoting his own "brand." He was lately in Iraq fighting ISIS, but the Iranians themselves weren't happy with his methods
While the Iranian-led war against ISIS was raging, Iranian spies privately expressed concern that the brutal tactics favored by Suleimani and his Iraqi proxies were laying the groundwork for major blowback against the Iranian presence in Iraq. Suleimani was also criticized for his own alleged self-promotion amid the fighting. Photos of the Iranian commander on battlefields across Iraq had helped build his image as an iconic military leader.
A 2014 MOIS document lamented that, partly because Suleimani broadcasted his role as commander of many of the Iraqi Shia militias fighting ISIS, Iraqi Sunnis blamed the Iranian government for the persecution that many were suffering at the hands of these same forces.
The article reports Petraeus hated him, which makes sense, because he seems a lot like Petraeus:
After the 2003 invasion of Iraq, Suleimani emerged as the United States?s most capable adversary in that country. His American counterpart at a key point during the occupation, Gen. David Petraeus, described Suleimani as ?a truly evil figure? in a letter to Robert Gates, then the U.S. defense secretary. Over the years, Suleimani gained a reputation as a fearsome military leader who controlled a network of ideologically driven militia proxies across the Middle East.
It's hard to understand how Suleimani is or was a "terrorist"
under our own definition of the word.
By the same logic, the United States committed terrorism when we aided & armed the Mujahadeen in Afghanistan against the USSR.
and if Iran invaded Canada and we aided Canadian resistance against the Iranian forces, we would be terrorists.
I linked to the CIA "deep state" definition of "Terrorism" for fun.
kinda ironic how the "deep state" is evil, and untrustworthy in some quarters when they peddle intel and opposition to Trump, but when they push a war (ANOTHER war...) against a Muslim country, the evidence they present to justify those attacks/or casus belli is viewed as sacrosanct and beyond question...