I was referring to the march on Saturday, not inauguration day. But even if you lump both days together, 200 arrests is less than .1% of the (conservatively) estimated attendance of 250,000 that was in DC on Saturday alone. I clearly said it was no different other than the fact that it was a much larger movement. With larger movements are going to come more instances of shitty(ier) behavior. I'm not excusing it, but it's to be expected.
You're right concerning celebrities (not that I see anyone defending them). They're detached lefties gone mad for those most part. Basically they have about 1,000 more Ted Nugents on their side. I don't have much more to say about them.
Big difference I see between the left and the right and organizing is this: the right organizes really well for voting, the left organizes really well for protesting. It's comical really. These same "Not My President" signs were being used when George W was elected too. Democrats hate the stigma of being whiny babies but then they pull this shit. Nobody can convince me that out of the thousands that marched on Saturday that they all voted. There are some hypocritical pieces of shit in that crowd and I wish they could be identified to be mocked by their own people.
*edit* You asked for examples but I gotta get the house ready for a showing soon. Quick Google search copy + paste follows, hopefully I don't paste any 'alternative facts', apologies if I do: