Well I'm not really talking about a specific plan because I don't believe one or that even god exists. I'm just trying to understand/interpret what the people who do are talking about.
Kinda goes back to the Wolf Blitzer thing, if you thank god because you were spared, do you curse god for those that were not? Or was that part of the plan?
Why does it have to be either/or? Either he thanks God or he must curse God?
It can be restated in the following way: Either I thank my lucky stars, or I curse my lucky stars. In terms of meaning, they are similar. You feel thankful. What if I'm the type of person, who feels thankful when good things happen to me, or even when bad things don't happen to me? I can feel thankful, and say thanks to God directly, or thank the talented architects who built my house. For a believer, a case can be made for all of it coming from God, so yeah He certainly could be thanked in most situations. If you want to thank just the architects, that is cool too. I just don't see it as black or white.
A believer does not have to do either, and can still be a believer. It goes both ways, of course - I've heard many an atheist say "THANK GOD!!" in an excited utterance. Does that mean they can't possibly be an atheist?
If one believes in Free Will (not that anyone does or doesn't), it is difficult to rationalize that with absolute predetermination (I sort of equate that to what you meant by "part of the plan"). Sorry if I got that meaning wrong.
You can have a plan for your children and still watch it go terribly awry. Does that mean you didn't have a plan? or that your children didn't get to choose their own path?
Anyway, sorry for the long post - that is how I look at it. Wolf Blitzer didn't make a PC statement. Horrors. Hopefully he learned his PC lesson for the day. Last statement is not an attempt to be snarky - hope you don't take it that way.
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