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2024 Election

I haven't said anything about eggs other than to challenge what you've said. I don't hear a lot of people blaming Biden for egg inflation. They may use it as an example of overall food inflation which is a direct result of bad policy pushed by his party. I agree with that.

Also, it's not "my little chart" it's data from the EIA, you should try using some sometime. And like I said before gas is still up 50% from when Trump left office (I said 40% but it's actually up 50%). Here's a little chart that shows the increase.

And gas prices are rising again and likely to rise more in 2023. If you stepped outside your bubble and lived a little, you'd realize you're giving Biden credit for killing demand by driving prices to record highs and you're applauding levels that are still 50% higher than they were before he got into office. But that's OK because Orange Man bad - it's worth every penny isn't it?

Doubling down on dumb I see... way to stay committed. So you're not ready to give Joe all the credit for gas prices going from 6.50 to 4.20 in a year. But you'll blame him for them rising. Real smart!

Hint... he didn't do either.
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As an American who doesnt particularly like either party and wishes politicians all would shut the fuck up and just do their jobs protecting america... quietly...

I'd take bidens speech over whatever that Nazi propaganda speech Mccarthy gave the other day ..100 times out of 100. He basically shit all over the country and said we suck at everything...it was a fear mongering joke of a speech.

I hate when political outlets and people try to insult our intelligence with bullshit... the real scary part is how many people believe them.

Example... how many on the right are claiming the egg shortage is bidens fault. They don't say anything about the avian flu that wiped out 50 million birds the past year...or maybe they think biden injected them all with the flu?

How many keep blaming inflation on biden and don't have a clue what they are talking about? Comodities/raw materials like corn and aluminum shot up from the supply chain nightmare caused by the lockdown. When the cost of things you make other things with goes up....EVERYTHING fucking goes up. What the fuck did that have to do with biden?... that happened on trumps watch and it's not something you snap your fingers and it's fixed. Simple economics...0 supply.... high demand = higher price. Example it takes both corn and aluminum to make most of the packaged beverage items you see in a grocery store. Supply chain caused costs on both of those to go up. These cost inceases get passed onto the consumer. Lockdown caused pantry loading. Low supply...HUGE demand... prices go up. All before biden took office.

Maybe the Republicans should stop banning AP courses so they can learn something and speak intelligently. This is honestly the main reason I won't vote for someone... is the blatantly lieing without being able to intelligently speak to reasons why. For a rather large % of the country... the lies are why they are voting for someone. That's sad and speaks volumes about how dumb america is.

Oh, for the love of God.


You expect anyone to bother to read the rest of your post after reading the nonsense I highlighted.

Maybe some did; I didn?t.

Here?s a hint - extremists on both side play the ?Nazi? card rhetoric when discussing contemporary American politics.

Thinking people - we?re disgusted by it.
Oh, for the love of God.


You expect anyone to bother to read the rest of your post after reading the nonsense I highlighted.

Maybe some did; I didn?t.

Here?s a hint - extremists on both side play the ?Nazi? card rhetoric when discussing contemporary American politics.

Thinking people - we?re disgusted by it.

And I'm disgusted by his speech. It was completely anti American. He shit on every single one of us.
There is 1 comment he made on oil that I found interesting. What exactly did he mean when he said "we will need oil for 10 more years."

Does he know something we don't and that comment slipped? Is the world ending? I don't think he means everything will be 100% electric. I'm usually not the conspiracy theorist type... but I found that comment interesting.
And I'm disgusted by his speech. It was completely anti American. He shit on every single one of us.

I don?t know what you?re talking about.

I found on the Internet that he criticized Marjorie Taylor, Greene, everybody?s favorite Republican nut, for comparing the Covid shut down to Nazism.

Democrats certainly have their own share of nuts.

My favorite Democrat nut is Maxine (No Justice No Peace) Waters.

So anyway?I don?t know what you?re talking about.
I don?t know what you?re talking about.

I found on the Internet that he criticized Marjorie Taylor, Greene, everybody?s favorite Republican nut, for comparing the Covid shut down to Nazism.

Democrats certainly have their own share of nuts.

My favorite Democrat nut is Maxine (No Justice No Peace) Waters.

So anyway?I don?t know what you?re talking about.


We're in a recession, supply chain collapsing, shelves in the grocery store... empty etc etc etc for 26 min.
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Here's an "Anti-American" concept: Manipulate the Masses into Psychosis.

The research demonstrates that the mathematical principles used to control groups of autonomous robots can be applied to social networks in order to control human behavior. If properly calibrated, the mathematical models developed by Dixon and his fellow researchers could be used to sway the opinion of social networks toward a desired set of behaviors?perhaps in concert with some of the social media ?effects? cyber-weaponry developed by the NSA and its British counterpart, GCHQ.​

Air Force research: How to use social media to control people like drones "Containment control" model looks at how groups of influencers can manipulate people.

Containment Control for a Social Network with State-Dependent Connectivity

We bristle at the actions of our elected officials on both sides of the aisle. They are role players in a larger staged production, and the intent is for us to bristle at them. Meanwhile, nefarious entities nestled in the soil are planting seeds in our minds every second.
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Doubling down on dumb I see... way to stay committed. So you're not ready to give Joe all the credit for gas prices going from 6.50 to 4.20 in a year. But you'll blame him for them rising. Real smart!

Hint... he didn't do either.

It?s actually fairly simple economics but it?s clearly going over your head. On day one Biden initiated several executive orders limiting oil production in the US at a time when global supply was being affected by other factors. This drove the price of oil through the roof which significantly impacted demand - for example, we had one of the lowest summer driving seasons in decades. That lower demand, more than anything else is what drove prices down. The fed which is independent of the White House is doing their part to kill demand as well. The strategic oil releases are a drop in the bucket and a big chunk of that was sold to foreign countries and exported. And if you were paying attention you?d see that oil prices are going back up as are prices at the pump. 2023 will likely be another good year for oil stocks.

Anyone who has taken a basic economics course knows the factor that causes prices to go up isn?t automatically the reason they go down. Giving Biden credit for a price drop just because he was a major reason prices went up is quite possibly the dumbest argument I?ve ever read on this forum - I know your ad hominem attacks are meant to be dismissive because you don?t get the economics but they don?t work - you?re too stupid to judge other people?s intelligence.
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It?s actually fairly simple economics but it?s clearly going over your head. On day one Biden initiated several executive orders limiting oil production in the US at a time when global supply was being affected by other factors. This drove the price of oil through the roof which significantly impacted demand - for example, we had one of the lowest summer driving seasons in decades. That lower demand, more than anything else is what drove prices down. The fed which is independent of the White House is doing their part to kill demand as well. The strategic oil releases are a drop in the bucket and a big chunk of that was sold to foreign countries and exported. And if you were paying attention you?d see that oil prices are going back up as are prices at the pump. 2023 will likely be another good year for oil stocks.

Anyone who has taken a basic economic course knows the factor that causes prices to go up isn?t automatically the reason they go down. Giving Biden credit for a price drop just because he caused the to go up is maybe the dumbest argument I?ve ever read on this forum - I know your ad hominem attacks are meant to be dismissive because you don?t get the economics but they don?t work - you?re too stupid to judge other people?s intelligence.

it's like praising a man for saving a dog from a burning house...but he's the one who started the fire :clap:
The correlation between Inauguration Day, 2021 and spiking gas prices reads like a middle-school math story problem.


The Biden administration tried to manipulate the blame to Putin. Knowing that was not accurate.
It?s actually fairly simple economics but it?s clearly going over your head. On day one Biden initiated several executive orders limiting oil production in the US at a time when global supply was being affected by other factors. This drove the price of oil through the roof which significantly impacted demand - for example, we had one of the lowest summer driving seasons in decades. That lower demand, more than anything else is what drove prices down. The fed which is independent of the White House is doing their part to kill demand as well. The strategic oil releases are a drop in the bucket and a big chunk of that was sold to foreign countries and exported. And if you were paying attention you?d see that oil prices are going back up as are prices at the pump. 2023 will likely be another good year for oil stocks.

Anyone who has taken a basic economics course knows the factor that causes prices to go up isn?t automatically the reason they go down. Giving Biden credit for a price drop just because he was a major reason prices went up is quite possibly the dumbest argument I?ve ever read on this forum - I know your ad hominem attacks are meant to be dismissive because you don?t get the economics but they don?t work - you?re too stupid to judge other people?s intelligence.

You're really bad at reading. I didn't give him credit for either. You were the one blaming him for one and not the other... which is the dumbest argument I ever heard then went on a rant about economics when I told you economics was the cause in the first place multiple posts ago. You're such a retard lol.
What does that have to do with Nazis?

Mass propoganda to the public that's nearly 100% false to rile up the masses so they don't think it's a bad thing when they start to burn millions of Jewish people.

Ya this reminded me of that. Turning millions into Maga nut jobs is on par. Mccarthy is the Joseph goebbles of our time.

Even spartan said all the grocery stores are full... so that proves Mccarthy is lying.
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You're really bad at reading. I didn't give him credit for either. You were the one blaming him for one and not the other... which is the dumbest argument I ever heard then went on a rant about economics when I told you economics was the cause in the first place multiple posts ago. You're such a retard lol.

no, you were the one criticizing my argument because I gave him blame for the things he did but didn't give him credit for the things he didn't do. That's a really stupid argument and that's exactly what you did.

Just saying "economics" then giving a wrongheaded argument that clearly indicates you don't understand what's going on doesn't do it. Now you're arguing that you're right because you said "economics" first - and you're calling me dumb. That's hilarious.
no, you were the one criticizing my argument because I gave him blame for the things he did but didn't give him credit for the things he didn't do. That's a really stupid argument and that's exactly what you did.

Just saying "economics" then giving a wrongheaded argument that clearly indicates you don't understand what's going on doesn't do it. Now you're arguing that you're right because you said "economics" first - and you're calling me dumb. That's hilarious.

Its actually not all economics...its corporate greed and politics. Here's an example. When biden did an executive order that he's not building the pipeline and gas sky rockets the next day. In my opinion that's not a biden thing. That's the oil community banning together and lashing out... which ultimately hurts the public. They didn't have a pipeline yesterday.... they don't have a pipeline today... nothing has changed. Except the prices.

As you stated record lows driving... record profits at the same time. How does a company get record profits?.... increased revenue or reducing costs. They didn't reduce costs. They increased revenue by charging everyone more for no good reason. That's not biden. That's price gouging and they should all be sued.
Its actually not all economics...its corporate greed and politics. Here's an example. When biden did an executive order that he's not building the pipeline and gas sky rockets the next day. In my opinion that's not a biden thing. That's the oil community banning together and lashing out... which ultimately hurts the public. They didn't have a pipeline yesterday.... they don't have a pipeline today... nothing has changed. Except the prices.

As you stated record lows driving... record profits at the same time. How does a company get record profits?.... increased revenue or reducing costs. They didn't reduce costs. They increased revenue by charging everyone more for no good reason. That's not biden. That's price gouging and they should all be sued.

actions have consequences. when you stop a pipeline and halt new leases and tell everyone you're going to kill the fossil fuel industry, you send a clear signal to the market that oil production is going down significantly for the long term. It's not whether or not they had a pipeline yesterday, it's that they're not getting the pipeline or new leases, period.

And prices didn't skyrocket the next day, they were up just 7% the first month - that not unusual at all. After 3 months they were up 20% and they hit 40% in October. It's clear that demand destruction is what brought prices down and it's clear that Biden's actions contributed significantly to the price increases.

Blaming oil companies for behaving rationally in the face of irrational, debilitating policies is like leaving a steak on the coffee table and turning your back then blaming the dog for eating it.

Note: Maybe that's why the dog started the fire - to distract it's owner from the fact that he or she stole the steak.
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actions have consequences. when you stop a pipeline and halt new leases and tell everyone you're going to kill the fossil fuel industry, you send a clear signal to the market that oil production is going down significantly for the long term. It's not whether or not they had a pipeline yesterday, it's that they're not getting the pipeline or new leases, period.

And prices didn't skyrocket the next day, they were up just 7% the first month - that not unusual at all. After 3 months they were up 20% and they hit 40% in October. It's clear that demand destruction is what brought prices down and it's clear that Biden's actions contributed significantly to the price increases.

Blaming oil companies for behaving rationally in the face of irrational, debilitating policies is like leaving a steak on the coffee table and turning your back then blaming the dog for eating it.

Note: Maybe that's why the dog started the fire - to distract it's owner from the fact that he or she stole the steak.

It's not debilitating.... they are perfectly fine working in the environment they are in without the pipeline. Again... they never had one before.

The truth is we will rely on less oil and gas in the near future. It's why the Saudis need to start building relationships with China. They know we won't need their oil soon... then all their Gold turns to poop.

Is the right thing to do because oil is not infinite. Here we are crying about the price of it. Guess what happens if I no longer need it. ..I could then care less how much it costs. I don't give a fuck about Saudis. I don't give a fuck about the oil industry and the companies that go bankrupt. Just like I don't give a thought to blockbuster.
Mass propoganda to the public that's nearly 100% false to rile up the masses so they don't think it's a bad thing when they start to burn millions of Jewish people.

Ya this reminded me of that. Turning millions into Maga nut jobs is on par. Mccarthy is the Joseph goebbles of our time.

Even spartan said all the grocery stores are full... so that proves Mccarthy is lying.

Hey, mHughes, might you point me in the direction of that speech? In the meantime, I'll look on the House website. Thanks.