If I was an employee or employer in the dirty non-renewables industries, or was a grifting for gawd prosperity gospel preacher, or employed by a for-profit health insurer, or was born/married into great wealth/family-owned business, never or very briefly knowing what it was like to live paycheck to paycheck, or believes that people born with more melanin are that much more likely to be lazy, criminals, and/or terrorists, or was a small-medium-large business owner who doesn't want to offer my employees anything over min wage, PT work with no bennies or FLSA/FICA...ect, then I would most likely tend to vote Republican. These are just examples, and by no means are all of them.
My Democratic representative hasn't been obligated to sign any tax-pledge drawn up by someone who himself has never held any elected office whatsoever, either. Fuck the Greedy Old Pricks, and the Super PACs that they rode in on.