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Could Cabrera be gone?


Well-known member
Aug 4, 2011
Just wondering is this insurance in case M. Cabrera gets in trouble again (alcohol). If Vic. Martinez comes back next year, we could get a ton for Cabrera.
Were not trading away the a player who is arguably the best hitter in the game.
Maybe you are right but I think is more in line with will Victor be his normal batting self after surgery at his age in 2013.. But heck we did not see this coming so who knows who is on the chopping block.
How would Miguel have any more value to another team than to ours if he gets into trouble again?

The whole idea makes no sense.

If he got into trouble to the point we had to get rid of him (god what kind of trouble would that be?) what kind of return would he get?

This is not insurance, this was because everyone else we targeted was signed by someone else, so they decided to go big, damn people...just be happy.

Like really really fucking happy.
bdemil1 said:
Just wondering is this insurance in case M. Cabrera gets in trouble again (alcohol). If Vic. Martinez comes back next year, we could get a ton for Cabrera.

Ask yourself who could afford a $20+ Mil a year 1B. Then, determine who they have already playing 1B. That leaves 1-3 teams (basically the same teams that were looking at Fielder). Those are the trading partners, maybe.

Now, if we pay part of Cabrera's salary, for the remainder of his contract, then you might find a few more. But, unless you are "dumping" salary, I am not sure you would reap the "ton" you are expecting.
Why is everyone trying get rid of Miggy (not just here)? That's not happening. The goal was to get some heavy hitters to go along with him to give us a realistic shot at winning a world series. Mr. I didn't sign Prince as an insurance policy to get rid of someone else. He did it because we're "all in" to win a world series while he's still alive.
Absolutely not.

The only way the Tigers don't end up resigning Cabrera is if Illitch kicks the bucket before hand and his kids decide to be cheap asses.
Hmm, what if you could get Robinson Cano, Brett Gardner, and a top prospect from the Yankees for Cabrera after the 2012 season?
johnny2x2x said:
Hmm, what if you could get Robinson Cano, Brett Gardner, and a top prospect from the Yankees for Cabrera after the 2012 season?

Umm no. You do understand that Cabrera could when his career is done be a top 10 ALL TIME player.
johnny2x2x said:
Hmm, what if you could get Robinson Cano, Brett Gardner, and a top prospect from the Yankees for Cabrera after the 2012 season?
Why? Both of those guys are a few years older than Cabrera and more expensive. I would much rather have the combo of Miguel Cabrera and Prince Fielder. I guess us Tigers fans are not used to spending like this but if we weren't on board with keeping all these guys we wouldn't have made the signing.
Hey I have an idea maybe the Tigers should just unconditionally release Cabrera to avoid this type of speculation.
bdemil1 said:
Just wondering is this insurance in case M. Cabrera gets in trouble again (alcohol). If Vic. Martinez comes back next year, we could get a ton for Cabrera.
Peter Gammons, is that you?
johnny2x2x said:
Hmm, what if you could get Robinson Cano, Brett Gardner, and a top prospect from the Yankees for Cabrera after the 2012 season?

Where would the Yankees put Cabrera? Replace Teixeira, who is a way better defensive 1B? As a DH, where he wouldn't like?
Just saying, we could demand a kings ransom for Cabrera now that we have Fielder to play 1st. I too think Cabrera could be a top 10 all time player, but if we have a logjam with he, Prince and Vmart next year you have to look at the options. If we could trade Cabrera, save money and improve our team, you might look at it.
johnny2x2x said:
Just saying, we could demand a kings ransom for Cabrera now that we have Fielder to play 1st. I too think Cabrera could be a top 10 all time player, but if we have a logjam with he, Prince and Vmart next year you have to look at the options. If we could trade Cabrera, save money and improve our team, you might look at it.
It isn't very often that the Tigers will have a core of players like this, why ruin it and just win division titles? Go for it all this is our best chance to win it all.
I'd feel confident in saying that in the next 100 years the Tigers will never have 3 players of the caliber of Cabrera, Verlander, and Fielder all in their prime years at the same time.

Why the fuck would we ruin that by trading one of them?
mjsb2 said:
I'd feel confident in saying that in the next 100 years the Tigers will never have 3 players of the caliber of Cabrera, Verlander, and Fielder all in their prime years at the same time.
That's pretty accurate based on our farm system.
johnny2x2x said:
Just saying, we could demand a kings ransom for Cabrera now that we have Fielder to play 1st. I too think Cabrera could be a top 10 all time player, but if we have a logjam with he, Prince and Vmart next year you have to look at the options. If we could trade Cabrera, save money and improve our team, you might look at it.

Victor is what.. 33 or 34... He is having a major operation... We really don't know how well he will comeback.. Really the odd guy out of the three is Victor..