thinkprogress and the website people set up to track police killings after it was revealed the FBI was deliberately undercounting the numbers both counted nearly 1200 killings, with over 300 blacks and 200 hispanics among those killed. as tbone noted, the thing to focus on is the percentages... African Americans are ~12% of the population but are over 26% of people killed by cops (and also arrested and stopped in higher proportions than whites).
538 had
an article on this as well, and reported that since the Ferguson execution of michael brown and riot, rates of police killings of americans have actually increased, with an associated increase in the disproportionate effect on blacks and hispanics.
I don't know... what media are you focusing on? there are a number of people (notably Radley Balko of te Washington Post) who follow all suspicious police killings.
and to some extent, the coverage and outrage is justified because the notable incidents are just so much more blatant and extreme. i mean... shooting a guy in the back of the head while he's facedown on the pavement, unarmed, already subdued... that's a fucking execution. that's not hyperbole here on my part.
unarmed guys running away from cops, guys with their hands up, getting taken down by multiple shots? those are executions. in no case was the officers' life -or anyone else's nearby - threatened.
and you also claim the media coverage is biased... and I agree though not in the same way you do. a lot of the coverage is biased in favor of the cops, against the victims. it's intended to whitewash unjustified killings by bringing up the victim's past, and portraying the cop in as favorable a light as possible.
don't believe me? here's
an article from the HuffPo noting the descrepancies in media coverage of the Walter Scott execution in South Carolina last year BEFORE video of Officer Michael slager shooting him in the back repeatedly from distance was made public. don't want to read a Huff Po article? here's a link to the
actual SC Post Courier article operating as a hit piece on the victim before video was released showing the whole cop's story was bullshit.