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Detroit Lions - Team Notes

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One of the things I've heard a lot from Lions players and coaches is the struggles with fundamentals & techniques during the preseason. To me, that would be an area that should be strong -- especially with just playing your plays instead of scheming. Asked Matt Patricia about this and here was his answer: "When you look at the schedule of what we go through now through the course of the spring and through the course of training camp, and then really into the season?that's the biggest area of why I think fundamentals and technique and things like that. It's just not enough time like it used to be from that standpoint. Again, when we used to be able to practice twice a day, or be in different situations. It's something that we've just changed the mentality where we really have to make sure that we put a huge emphasis on those things because once the season gets going, and we're really limited to the amount of padded practices we have, it's hard to go back and work on those things. And really, at the end of the year is when you'll see those effects the most with a lot of teams, just when the fundamentals start to fall off. So, you've really got to make sure that that base, that foundation is really put down, so that when the situation comes up you don't lose them."
