you're so dumb. if it's by % of population what impact do you think having the largest % of students in the overall population is going to have on that result? I mean you yourself pointed out the % of residents enrolled in college in the Lansing-East Lansing area is double the national average. you just can't help yourself can you?
I did? I quoted the article. Hilarious that you call me dumb, and then credit me as saying something when all I did was take the excerpt from the article.
Your "sheer numbers based on total population" argument is baseless. Your "it's just cause those people are in college" argument is baseless. Why not just admit that a certain type of person that lives in Lansing/E. Lansing that likes to get drunk more? It's not even necessarily a bad thing. Instead you have to argue, argue, argue, even when you can't prove your point.
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