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FISA Abuse

Joe said there wasn't a hint of scandal in the former admin he was a part of, Joe is wrong.

Yeah sometimes some of the things you post are funny, other times it just goes right over my head. Could be a generational element to it all sometimes. Not this time per say, this one perhaps was just too dry for me to get it.

This one was actually so stupid that hopefully it was so stupid that it was funny.


Jokes like this are sometimes referred to as ?dad? jokes.
Trump is busily engaged in breaking both parties. It's a beautiful thing.


He's not breaking anything... other than Federal revenues... the billionaires got their tax break (PUN INTENDED), the military gets to keep doing whatever it wants and taking as much public money as it wants to line its pockets, and he's appointed a miscellany of lobbyists & nincompoops to run federal agencies, so big business can "operate" however it wants, IE screw customers, the public and the environment, with even less oversight than under Obama, who in some sectors provided even less oversight than Bush.

He's "saying the quiet parts out loud" for the GOP, which might make more moderate Republicans uncomfortable, but is hardly "breaking" shit. Instead of using "Willy Horton" ads sparingly, he basically planned his entire campaign pitch around them. and "the base" LOVED IT.
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It's about why I can't/won't ever vote Democrat.

Good thing we cancel each other out because Me and my whole family will never vote for the
Hypocrital Republicans. Now that is one phony party. I may not like some of the things democrats do from time to time but at least they are not backing this piece of shit in the whitehouse. Republicans yup I will never vote for one of them again.
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Good thing we cancel each other out because Me and my whole family will never vote for the
Hypocrital Republicans. Now that is one phony party. I may not like some of the things democrats do from time to time but at least they are not backing this piece of shit in the whitehouse. Republicans yup I will never vote for one of them again.

Byco and I have our disagreements but he's a thoughtful, reasonable human being. It's a damn shame that his vote is cancelled out by a crazy leftist like you. Having said that, you appear to be on your meds today.
Good thing we cancel each other out because Me and my whole family will never vote for the
Hypocrital Republicans. Now that is one phony party. I may not like some of the things democrats do from time to time but at least they are not backing this piece of shit in the whitehouse. Republicans yup I will never vote for one of them again.

1. When did I ever volunteer my voting preferences?
2. Peace be with you, bob.
Good thing we cancel each other out because Me and my whole family will never vote for the
Hypocrital Republicans. Now that is one phony party. I may not like some of the things democrats do from time to time but at least they are not backing this piece of shit in the whitehouse. Republicans yup I will never vote for one of them again.

Never vote for a person because they are affiliated with a certain party? That seems very short sighted.
Never vote for a person because they are affiliated with a certain party? That seems very short sighted.

I have a hard time believing Bob is unique when it comes to straight ticket voters; he's just a hell of a lot more honest than some of the people who post here.
Whoa, wait a sec... How is this thread about abortion now?

How did you not see this coming?

Funny how the Dems support abortion but the GOP supports capitol punishment. One party only wants people to die before they are born, the other after....and both act as if they have the moral high-ground on the issue. :nuts:
How did you not see this coming?

Funny how the Dems support abortion but the GOP supports capitol punishment. One party only wants people to die before they are born, the other after....and both act as if they have the moral high-ground on the issue. :nuts:

Hmmmmm...ehhhhhh...Arkansas Governor Bill Clinton famously made it famous that he didn?t hesitate to not stay the execution of a retard when he (Clinton, not the retard) had the retard fried to make a presidential campaign statement.

Clinton fries a retard to make a presidential campaign statement.
Byco and I have our disagreements but he's a thoughtful, reasonable human being. It's a damn shame that his vote is cancelled out by a crazy leftist like you. Having said that, you appear to be on your meds today.

Sorry but it is all you crazy far right people the world has to worry about. What meds would that be Skippy? I do have a back issue that I would only give to a few people in history Like Stalin and Hitler and those types. But unlike the rest of you far right Brain dead Xanax induced Trump followers I never touch the drugs. Sadly I can't even do CBD oil because I appear allergic to it. So be fucking careful they next time you mention people who take meds.
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1. When did I ever volunteer my voting preferences?
2. Peace be with you, bob.


You said This.. Look i am Not mad But you did say this B.
And i get why you said it.

"It's about why I can't/won't ever vote Democrat."

Look I respect that you can't vote for Democrats..

But I feel the same way.

I will never the rest of my life ever voter for anyone that is a Republican.
Never vote for a person because they are affiliated with a certain party? That seems very short sighted.

I have not voted for plenty of democrats in the past. But unlike some in Americans I would never vote for the stooge that is in the white house as week speak and is Unqualified to be president. Talk about pot calling the kettle black. That is what all Republicans have become. The hypocrisy from the GOP is laughable if it wasn't so damn corrupt.
I have not voted for plenty of democrats in the past. But unlike some in Americans I would never vote for the stooge that is in the white house as week speak and is Unqualified to be president. Talk about pot calling the kettle black. That is what all Republicans have become. The hypocrisy from the GOP is laughable if it wasn't so damn corrupt.

right...just like I have opted to not vote for many republicans (including Trump)

However, I have voted for many democrats in state and local elections, and I will continue to do so if I think they are good candidates.

Also, you really shouldn't talk about the GOP being "so damn corrupt" all of the time. The Democratic party is corrupt as well. There are corrupt people EVERYWHERE in politics...on BOTH sides.
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How did you not see this coming?

Funny how the Dems support abortion but the GOP supports capitol punishment. One party only wants people to die before they are born, the other after....and both act as if they have the moral high-ground on the issue. :nuts:

Hmmmm, punishing criminals who commit heinous crimes vs. murdering innocent and defenseless human beings. Who has the moral high ground here? That's a real head scratcher.
Where we are is where I said we were on the third post of this thread in January 2018. Mueller time is over, time to pay the Barr tab.

You mean the part where you said this will be Watergate times 10?

The president was forced to resign because of Watergate, or face certain impeachment and removal and prosecution.

You still stand by your claim that this is going to be 10 times bigger?