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FISA Abuse

There was fisa abuse I was right two years ago when I started this thread. What?s disappointing is that it?s all perfectly ok everybody walks cept those caught up in the muller probe..Durham disagrees, he knows more than IG had access to, problem is surely that drags on also right past nov 2020 trump loses and it all goes poof ghondi
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There was fisa abuse I was right two years ago when I started this thread. What?s disappointing is that it?s all perfectly ok everybody walks cept those caught up in the muller probe..Durham disagrees, he knows more than IG had access to, problem is surely that drags on also right past nov 2020 trump loses and it all goes poof ghondi

A lot of things that were once non starters are perfectly ok depending on if it's 'your team' or the other team. Yay tribalism.
FBI wiretap of Trump campaign aide was riddled with errors, but Russia probe was legally justified, IG report finds

this is ridiculous and people should be outraged but instead they just realize it's more business as usual. The idea that there were 17 material errors in the application including one where the FBI knowingly altered evidence to falsely claim Page was a Russian spy and yet the conclusion is that the investigation was justified is just outrageous. Page was the informant and key witness FOR THE US in a federal espionage case against a Russian intelligence official. The FBI under Obama intentionally left out this information when they went to the FISA court seeking a warrant to spy on Page.

Instead we get clowns in the media and a few here glossing over the facts and pulling the "nothing to see here folks, move along" bit acting as if it's all above board and legit. Maybe it's not a coincidence and people are just jaded.
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A lot of things that were once non starters are perfectly ok depending on if it's 'your team' or the other team. Yay tribalism.

how is that the case? Which major scandals have Republicans gotten away with? So far we have the IRS, Fast and Furious, Benghazi and the cover up, Clintons emails including Bill meeting with the attorney general investigating his wife, Clinton selling influence through her foundation, FISA abuse - virtually every major scandal of the past 10+ years that has been resolved with not so much as a slap on the wrist has been on the Dem side. Contrast that with all the people associated with Trump who have been investigated, tried and convicted for far less egregious crimes - you have to blind to think this isn't one-sided.

In every case the Dems have walked on there has been significant if not overwhelming evidence of a crime not to mention tampering with investigations. I'd be happy to agree with you if that was the case for the other side but so far we've had 3 years of investigations based on either nothing or grossly falsified evidence and it's turned up nothing - there is zero evidence of collusion between Trump and Russia and there is even less evidence to support this impeachment farce. If there was convincing evidence and Shiff was just like "it doesn't rise to the level of impeachment" like Comey did with Clinton that would be one thing, but that's not even close to being the case here.
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the Trump Ukraine investigation alone is proof of the difference. In this case we have a piblic confession by Biden that he demanded a quid pro quo that clearly benefited a company that was paying his inept, crackhead son $600k/yr for access to the US govt before releasing $1bln in aide. and ZERO evidence of any such demands by Trump and not only is the Biden thing not even being investigated, the press is literally saying we know they did nothing wrong (how is that possible if it hasnt been investigated?) while Trump is being impeached in a farcical show trial.
how is that the case?

It's hard to build a case that only the Republicans are picked on and special rules only apply to them.

As long as you ignore that Trump, who's tough stance on immigration (except Saudi Arabia of course), has a wife that didn't enter the US properly. Kind of amusing since many of his supporters claim to be all for immigration 'as long as it's done right'.

Also, you need to ignore that despite multiple objections from his security advisors, Trump pushed through getting his daughter and son-in-law security clearance. A man with zero political or national security experience making the final call on national security. Huzzah.

You're also going to want to ignore that two of his closest advisors and his former campaign chair and co-chair were convicted of multiple crimes. He probably had no idea they were shady people and certainly isn't an extension of himself.

Speaking of shady, you're going to want to also ignore that the president's own 'charity' foundation was shut down and ordered to pay millions due to illegal conduct. But money laundering, tax scams, and the hiring of undocumented workers (yay, more projection) are no big deal. Especially for the President of the United States.

On a side note of Trump's "charity", I have to mention how hilarious I thought it was when Elise Stefanik (R - NY) pointed out how improper it would be for a president (Biden, potentially) to have a son (Hunter) that had sat on the board of a corrupt company like Burisma. She literally made the case that Trump shouldn't be president during impeachment hearings. I didn't tune in for much of the hearings but if I missed more zingers like that, I'm sad I passed up on them.

The list goes on: Trump ignoring that we have a 1st amendment and telling congress(wo)men that they can't criticize America while he's president, making fun of disabled people, or the simplest example(s) being Trump's outright lies that he gets way with.

None of these things were acceptable 10 years ago regardless of your political party. And these are just Trump things. I didn't even touch McConnell and his stack of unvoted on bill by the 'Do Nothing Democrats', Biden and his repeated fucking gaffes at ANY microphone (Howard Dean wants to know how Biden isn't fucking canned by now), etc.
Which major scandals have Republicans gotten away with?

Before I begin to even think of things, I'd like to point out that Trump won the election. With it, you get the scrutiny of being president. Fucking deal with it. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. If Clinton won we'd be dealing with that same bullshit. You're a liar or just proving my original point wrong if you think otherwise. Two of the shittiest candidates in the history of American politics and you expect business as usual.

Having said that, literally off the top of my head:

Trump continues to wipe his ass daily with the Emoluments Clause.

Matt Gaetz and 30 other lawmakers illegally barging into a BIPARTISAN meeting in a SCIF with cellphones and cameras in hand. Nothing ever came of it.

Scott Pruitt, while under 14(?) separate investigations for a laundry list of abuses of power, resigns and walks clean.

Tom Price spent a boatload of taxpayers dollars on private flights. Resigns and walks clean.

You're so angry that Democrats keep getting away with stuff but can't look at your own party and demand better. That's the difference between you and me I think. It's usually 'whataboutism' with you (and others).

I hate that Republicans make my stomach turn nowadays. I've voted for a Republican president twice in the last four elections but with how things are trending I don't see any hope on the horizon that it will happen before 2028. I demand better of the GOP. You should too. It takes more than a pretty stock market and bloated employment numbers to win me over.
The U.S. Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court issued an order on Tuesday, criticizing the FBI for improper behavior in applying for warrants against Trump campaign official Carter Page.

The document comes in response to Inspector General Horowitz’s recently released report, which concluded the FBI made multiple mistakes in obtaining FISA warrants on Page.
In total, Horowitz found 17 “significant inaccuracies and omissions” in the Page investigation.

The order, written by FISC Judge Rosemary Collyer, reads, “This order responds to reports that personnel of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) provided false information to the National Security Division (NSD) of the Department of Justice, and withheld material information from NSD which was detrimental to the FBI’s case, in connection with four applications to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC) for authority to conduct electronic surveillance of a U.S. citizen named Carter W. Page.”

“The frequency with which representations FBI personnel made to the court turned out to be unsupported or contradicted by information in their possession, and with which they withheld information detrimental to their case,” Judge Collyer continued, “calls into question whether information contained in other FBI applications is reliable.”

Collyer ordered the FBI to explain how it will mend those issues in a written response due by Jan. 10.

If the FBI does not comply with the order, they will have to explain their reason for disobeying and answer as to “why… the information in FBI applications submitted in the interim should be regarded as reliable.”

The secret court rarely issues public statements, so this should grab the attention of anyone interested in American politics.

President Trump responded to the court’s condemnation of the FBI in a tweet written on Tuesday.

He wrote, “Statement by the Court was long and tough. Means my case was a SCAM!”

I?ll go on record right now and say that if Flynn spends a day in jail, trump will lose my support, I don?t say this for stone or anyone else, just Flynn, Flynn did absolutely nothing wrong and was completely set up by commet and others that should be held to account. If trump lets Flynn die on the vine and won?t stand up for those that helped get him elected when they did nothing wrong. then fuck him!
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I?ll go on record right now and say that if Flynn spends a day in jail, trump will lose my support, I don?t say this for stone or anyone else, just Flynn, Flynn did absolutely nothing wrong and was completely set up by commet and others that should be held to account. If trump lets Flynn die on the vine and won?t stand up for those that helped get him elected when they did nothing wrong. then fuck him!

I'll give you that. You have 100% been behind Flynn from the start.
Day of our impeachment

Trump insider Roger Stone joined NewsMax TV?s John Cardillo on Thursday to discuss the Democrats? ongoing impeachment hoax, Rudy Giuliani?s investigation into Democrat corruption, President Trump?s appearance at the March For Life and much more.

Stone explained that Giuliani knows more than he?s letting the Democrats know and that the information he has found ?may topple the legacy of the Obama administration.?

Roger also broke down the decaying state of the left, saying, ?I think the Democratic majority in the House is in peril, I think it is Nancy Pelosi who is in trouble.?

Next, Cardillo and Stone discussed Joe Biden?s imminent campaign collapse and the likely battle between Bernie Sanders and Michael Bloomberg.

Stone made a bold prediction, stating Bernie Sanders will win the Democratic nomination in 2020.

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Day of our impeachment

Trump insider Roger Stone joined NewsMax TV?s John Cardillo on Thursday to discuss the Democrats? ongoing impeachment hoax, Rudy Giuliani?s investigation into Democrat corruption, President Trump?s appearance at the March For Life and much more.

Stone explained that Giuliani knows more than he?s letting the Democrats know and that the information he has found ?may topple the legacy of the Obama administration.?

Roger also broke down the decaying state of the left, saying, ?I think the Democratic majority in the House is in peril, I think it is Nancy Pelosi who is in trouble.?

Next, Cardillo and Stone discussed Joe Biden?s imminent campaign collapse and the likely battle between Bernie Sanders and Michael Bloomberg.

Stone made a bold prediction, stating Bernie Sanders will win the Democratic nomination in 2020.


Awww nothing about the Parnas recording? That's too bad.
Let's not pretend that the recording would actually change your opinion on anything.

LOL yup just let ABC news tell you what he said and provide the context without letting you hear it for yourself. Bring on the senate testimony. Let's get show on the road already.
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LOL yup just let ABC news tell you what he said and provide the context without letting you hear it for yourself. Bring on the senate testimony. Let's get show on the road already.

I'd like him to testify. But we don't do witnesses here.