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Game 1: Lions @ Chiefs *Thursday Night* Thread

Really just WR #3.

Reynolds is a good #4
Jones/Raymond are good #5?s

I bet the talk of a trade for a WR really heats up quickly this season. It?s pretty clear they need another option outside of ASB.

Until then...kalif should be in. Jones and Reynolds are terrible.
This offense w everyone healthy would look nice if we had our deep threat out there w us.
What are these stupid 3rd down calls ?

Ben has been awful on 3rd fucking down.
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That line man is leaving early every damn play on a pass play.

He is cheating.
Kerby with an awful tackle attempt. You're way too small to being down a tight end at his shoulders.
Why isn?t Campbell the staff all over the Kc offense alignment ?

That guy isn?t close to lining up right ?