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Game 1: Lions @ Chiefs *Thursday Night* Thread

Tripping when run over but a missed tripping

And taylor false starting and bad lineup.

That replay not only shows Taylor almost a full 2 yards off the ball, but he is supposed to have his feet still for a full second before the snap.

He isn?t close to being legal.
Why are we still playing Bonito Jones. He is completely worthless in containing Mahomes.

He is a useless player out there. It?s like playing with 10.
National broadcasters are even pointing out how ridiculous this is on how much their OT is getting away with. This simply is ridiculous how much this is helping the KC offense.
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If Goff can?t play action how does he beat teams ? I?m just curious about off scripted plays?

Ben has to get better on third down.
That replay not only shows Taylor almost a full 2 yards off the ball, but he is supposed to have his feet still for a full second before the snap.

He isn?t close to being legal.

Maybe if we had coaches to point it out, it would be called.
National broadcasters are even pointing out how ridiculous this is on how much their OT is getting away with. This simply is ridiculous how much this is helping the KC offense.

Every nationality televised game is something with us. Someone will write an article about it. The NFL will issue a statement on how it was legal and the refs were correct in missing what should probably be 10+ penalties.

Wash. Rinse. Repeat.

See ya week 4 vs. GB.
So sick of lions fans always making excuses. Obviously the refs aren't calling it so make fucking adjustments. They're right tackle isn't on the field when we have the ball
One of the best O-Lines in football and we can?t run the ball?