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Game 1: Lions @ Chiefs *Thursday Night* Thread

From the draft until now you heard how Gibbs would be everywhere, so far he?s been mostly on the bench.
I like this ref crew. They are letting a lot go. But that's the 3rd or 4th time Hutch has taken Mahomes down after the play and no flag. I feel like eventually they are going to flag him at a big spot in the game.
I like this ref crew. They are letting a lot go. But that's the 3rd or 4th time Hutch has taken Mahomes down after the play and no flag. I feel like eventually they are going to flag him at a big spot in the game.

You know when?..4th quarter. Last 2 minutes. Mahomes misses on 4th and 12 but wait??.flag on the play??..
I would love to see Gibbs break off a long run or a pass and yac.
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